JJAASS (jasmine)
2017-10-09 21:39:35I miss you, very much, when we met I thought you could be the one, the one I w
as waiting for a long long time, handsome, smart, rational, considerate, polit
e, even a little weird in a way I like.
When we had dated for 3 hours and left the restaurant to find some sweet, we w
alked and talked side by side, I feel amazed it's happening, I am with someone
I feel so comfortable with like I have known you for years...
A couple days later, we met the second time, I told you it's a very intense we
ek for me so I can't meet you at dinner time, but you told me you can wait for
me, anyway you are not going to sleep before midnight... I was touched becaus
e I can feel you really want to meet me...
So we met at 9:30pm, went to the bar I always wanted to go, we walked along th
e gateway... everything become so romantic, the light, the ocean, the view, th
e food, the wine, you and me, and the conversation, we went up to rooftop to f
eel the wind and saw unexpected scene, tramps are sleeping there ...very odd b
ut made us laugh, and you said maybe we should not talk here, they are sleepin
g, that's the moment you took my hand and we are talking about future cruise t
rip and, out of the blue, you talked about kids, saying the possible life chan
ge after having kids...
Odd enough, I feel I can settle with you...after only 2 dates...I really like
the feeling when we holding hands...
However...the message you texted me after the weekend of your business trip is
the bomb, I know you are negotiating a new project, but I don't expect could
be this way, that you are going to leave this country...
LDR could work for couple with solid foundation, but not for people who dates
only twice, not to mention both of us had bad experience about that and none o
f us want it again! So I guess this is the end of us, sad but I hope we rememb
er each other in a best way...
Wish you all the best, my almost lover, if we are meant to be each other, we w
ill meet again, I feel you will be always in a corner of my heart, so long, my
special someone.