Re: [討論] 新擊殺經驗與金錢公式

作者: rejoin (lol)   2014-09-29 18:52:15
The statsmen are asleep so I made this on the fly.
I also uploaded the excel file on mediafire. Here's the download link if you
guys want to tinker with it. The only values you can manipulate are the
Victim Level, Victim Net Worth, Enemy Team Net Worth, Allied Team Net Worth,
Victim Exp, Enemy Team Exp and Allied Team Exp. Don't mess with the other
p.s. if you want me to upload elsewhere, just post here. same with any
EDIT: Here's an updated snapshot of the calculations. I've included the 6.81b
calculations though I did not factor in the kill streak gold bounties for it.
(dota 2 wiki please.)
EDIT # 2: since people are asking for it, here are the xp calculations as
well. 6.81b, 6.82 and 6.82b for good measure.
Formulae for xp and gold bonuses for both 6.81 and 6.82 are found on the
rekindling soul update page:
Formulae for the xp and gold changes for 6.82b are found here:
also, here is the latest excel file for the calculations.
Just leave a message here for any questions.
※ 引述《blackk (夢遊中...)》之銘言:
: 今天又修改了,借舊文列出修改點
: 大概就是降低係數,實際變化有請高手講解
: * Kill Streak Bounty from 100->800 to 60->480 (6.81: 125->1000)
: * Adjusted bonus area of effect Gold and XP
: ※ 引述《henry1234562 (亨利二十三)》之銘言:
: : 前半段是經驗公式
: : 後半段是金錢公式
: : 經驗
: : 新的:
: : VictimLevel = Level of the Victim
: : VictimXP = Total XP of the Victim
: : EnemyTeamXP = Enemy team's total XP
: : AlliedTeamXP = Your team's total XP
: : XPDifference = ( EnemyTeamXP - AlliedTeamXP )/ ( EnemyTeamXP + AlliedTeamXP )
: : (minimum 0)
: : XPFactor = XPDifference * VictimXP
: : 1 Hero: XP = 20 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.5
: : 2 Heroes: XP = 15 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.35
: : 3 Heroes: XP = 10 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.25
: : 4 Heroes: XP = 7 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.2
: : 5 Heroes: XP = 5 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.15
: 6.82b XP Factors:
作者: chichiwater (チーチー)   2014-09-29 19:11:00

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