conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2016-03-29 10:38:122016.03.26
MAME新周邊 http://www.progettosnaps.net/gameinit/index_files/ui.jpg
A new dat-file, from MAME 0.172, was born: GameInit.dat.
This file lists the initialization procedures of some games emulated by MAME;
in fact, some of them, the first time are not immediately playable. The file
is available in two languages: Italian and English.
Obviously the work ahead is still very much (so help me if you can or want):
- The file is distributed to the first version; lacking many initialization
procedures; I am continuing to update the file every day.
- If you know initialization procedures not listed (and especially not
present on MAMEinfo.dat or at http://wiki.mamedev.org/ site), send them by
contacting me.
- I consider very important the nationalization of this information, to allow
everyone to access it, even those with little knowledge of languages. If you
want to help me and your language is not English or Italian, translate the
file and re-send it to me, before it can add to the package.
- If you do a search on http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/ is already in the tab
with the information in this file.
Obviously the main thanks go to M.A.S.H. for his "mameinfo.dat", the various
authors of the wiki pages of MAMEdev.org and users to MAMEitalia.net. My job
is just to reorder this information (sometimes correction) to make them
easily readable in MAME.
來源 http://www.progettosnaps.net/gameinit/