[請益] 文法檢查

作者: KurakiMaki (Maki)   2014-08-16 11:39:48
The reading passage and the speaker both discuss the topic of _____.
However, the speaker disagrees with the ideas in the reading passage.
He thinks that _____ in the reading passage is questionable and offers
several reasons to oppose the article.
First of all, the reading passage mentions that _____, and therefore _____.
But the speaker says that _____. Thus, the speaker believes _____.
The second reason which the lecturer refers to a disproof is that _____.
Although the article states _____, he notes that _____.
Hence, the lecturer concludes that _____.
Finally, the author of reading passage claims that _____, whereas
the orator points out that _____. As a result, the orator considers that _____,
and that contradicts what the reading passage indicates.
作者: BuchPreis (就是有創意)   2014-08-16 19:15:00
claim我認為不妥 畢竟文章不會claim 其他文法OK應該是TOEFL模板吧 用字可以多變化一點 再加長結論段
作者: dunchee (---)   2014-08-17 01:11:00
http://www.macmillandictionary.com/ 輸入 claim第一個例句
作者: BuchPreis (就是有創意)   2014-08-17 12:19:00
不不不 report或技術文獻之類的當然能用claim 但用在reading passage 我個人是覺得怪 要是堅持用CL 我是會寫成the author of the reading passage claims...還能順便湊字數~對了 你後面用orator 前面也用"人"會比較好喔
作者: wohtp (會喵喵叫的大叔)   2014-08-17 18:26:00
"several reasons to opposite the article"?opposite是形容詞喔即使改成oppose也很怪。雖然to oppose的確是「反對」的意思但是帶有「抵抗」的含意。一篇文章又沒強制力,就算你反對其論點也不到抵抗那麼嚴重我會說"...offers several counter-arguments..."啊,這裡用"opposing arguments"也可以。因為是你的論點對抗他的論點。

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