完整的句子如下: Of greater consequence were the small number of American archaeologists occupied with the early medieval period and the inaccessibility to American scholars of locally published and unpublished excavation report in Western Europe. 主要想問這部分該怎麼解釋好,也有點不確定句構 the inaccessibility to American scholars of locally published and unpublished excavation report in Western Europe. 該是翻譯成 美國學者無法得到西歐當地出版或是未出版的挖掘報告 ? (to American scholars of .... in Western Europe) 去修飾 the inaccessibility report in Western Europe又是去修飾excavation這樣嗎 真是越看越糊塗了 請多指教 謝謝
作者: gentianpan 2016-06-14 17:18:00
有更多前後文嗎? 不然單看這句只是單純的 Consequences were A and B. A:small number...B: inaccessibil更正: Of greater consequence were A and B.inaccessibility of sth to sb. sth: locally...report in Westen Europe.