Re: [文法] 句子的結構看不懂

作者: PPmYeah (寂寞雪山隧道)   2016-07-17 03:24:51
※ 引述《souldragon (依法不依人)》之銘言:
: They want visitors to the park to have the experience
: of hearing wolves howl at night-an experience many describe
: as the best the wilderness has to offer.
作者: souldragon (依法不依人)   2016-07-17 14:22:00
謝謝 但是照這樣拆 that前應該有動詞才對 後面看不懂the wilderness has to offer 這句我真的看不懂是什?除非"原始森林已經提供"放在句首 that接an experiencehas to是必須的意思 也不是已經提供.. 這邊也看嘸?
作者: gentianpan   2016-07-17 14:39:00
這裡剛好與一個照組 the man you want to see 在閱讀時你會理解成 want to see the man 或是 want the man to see 取決於語意,自然較多人會理解成1,由其 沒有第2個受詞時。而原提問: the bestthe wilderness has to offer 是理解成 the wilderness has the best to offer 而非 the wilderness hasto offer the best, 完全取決語意。
作者: HOTBIRD (   2016-07-18 12:13:00
同意這篇 就是省略很多字

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