[文法] 201608空中英語教室批改作文

作者: scju (QQ)   2016-08-13 11:47:28
How English Has Changed My Life
That is the question. When I was young and naive, teachers and my
parents always told me that English was very important, whether in #the#
normal life or in the future. Thus, I started learning English when I was
just about five #and#[or] six years old. I thought it was tough and boring
at first, but gradually, I found that learning English #is#[was] not that bad,
actually it was quite interesting! Since then, going to language school
became the most exciting thing #in# every single day, and I like[d] my
classmates and teachers so much#,#[.] #t#[T]here #are#[were] also lots of fun
activities, which I always enjoyed a lot. Getting older and more mature,
my class level was getting higher and higher too. Now, I can't say my
English is the best in [the] class, but I can [be] sure that my English is
definitely not poor. Although I #had#[have] stopped going to language school
#anymore# now, #however,# I still read many English articles and magazines,
like SparkNotes, Studio Classroom etc. And I believe, in my future life,
English will truly help me and make me successful.
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-08-13 13:57:00
2. 問題不在連接詞後接了兩句 而是BC之間沒有連接詞有機會讀到一些英文的"個人"blog等之類稍微輕鬆的語境 就會知道當前後兩句感覺關係很緊密連起來很順的時候 是可以只接個逗點而沒有連接詞的 這篇讀起來確實也不是多嚴肅 應該還OK3. 年紀增長接課程程度提高 算理所當然 不會被誤會所以可接受
作者: orfan (MISANTHROPE)   2016-08-13 14:55:00
1.開場白的概念!? 演講時放第一句 寫作時倒可有可無不過較常聽到是here's the Q 有種你要講得主題很重要的樣子
作者: dunchee (---)   2016-08-13 20:58:00
1. 唯一的解讀是"that"指的是題目。我是覺得這第一句很唐突("xxx如何xxx"本身不算是個"question"。如果連"xxx如何做"都不知道,那麼之後的也不用寫了。如果是要"質疑/批判"xxx如何做",那麼之後的內容也應該是在"xxx如何做"本身)我的話會把這句整個刪掉2. 既然是教/批改作文,這算是錯誤。看樣子他們忽略了幾個更改方法: 分號: .... that bad; actually it was ..直接斷開: ... that bad. Actually it was ....dash(*1): .... that bad--actually it was ...(*1) http://tinyurl.com/7p56zq5 方框下 A dash ....explanations in a ...3. 你對。同前(既然...錯誤)
作者: scju (QQ)   2016-08-14 23:25:00

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