I slowly make friends with others,but you will know thatI am nice ,then get al
ong with me.
kee32 (終於畢業了)
2016-09-20 16:50:00intercourse是交媾(做愛)的意思耶,害大叔我臉都紅了…
作者: Yahweh (Y a h w e h) 2016-09-20 17:28:00
痾......抱歉 我網路查的所以 我被誤導了 對不起 囧不好意思,我重新自己打了一遍,還請教各位大大幫忙
I don't make friends quickly, but when you get toknow me, you will realize that I am a nice person.寫得好像肥宅的心聲(爆)
作者: liny9 (liny) 2016-09-20 23:24:00
it takes a while for me to get familiar with people.if you are willing to spend more time with me,you will realize how nice i am.be willing to可省略