softseaweed (Gladys von Wackenheim)
2016-11-11 13:45:16[]內可刪可不刪,自行斟酌
※ 引述《PTT1774 (無糖去冰)》之銘言:
: 工作上有某種儀器大家都需要使用到,常常要詢問同事:
: 1. 我能排在你後面嗎?
: (意思是我想排在他後面的順位使用這部儀器)
: 2. 你後面有人排嗎?
: (詢問他後面的順位有人在排隊等待使用這部儀器嗎?)
: 想請問大家要怎麼翻成英文?
: 希望能知道比較正式有禮貌的,跟比較口語的
1. [Do you] mind if I join the line?
[Do you] mind if I queue behind you?
Can I join the line?
Can I go after you?
2. Is this the end of the line?
Is there anyone after you in line?
Are you the last one in line?
: 這兩種表達方式
: 再請問一下
: 「你休息日都在做什麼呢」
What do you do on your days off?
What are you [usually] up to on your days off?
: 「你休息日有什麼計畫」
What do you have in plan for your days off?
What are you gonna do over (the weekend/your days off/the holiday)?
[Are you] (going anywhere/doing anything) (this weekend/this holiday/on the days off)?
: 該怎麼用英文表達?
: 想藉聊天跟老外同事混熟點XD
: 先感謝大家