1. 早安!
Hi,good morning.
2. 昨天有什麼狀況嗎?
Have any problem, yesterday?
3. Adam, 昨天A有打電話來。
Adam, you have phone call from A yesterday.
4. 我這證書要寄給A或自己留著?
Should I sent the certificate to A or to keep it by myself?
5. 你只要4:30準時走,就有機會不塞車。
As long as you leave on time at 4:30,it’s possible to avoid traffic jam.
6. 禮拜天妳要跟我一起去屏東嗎?
Do you want to go to Pingtung with me on Sunday?
7. 我的右手邊櫃子裡有泡麵,要吃自己拿。
I have instant noodles in my right hand cabinet, you can take it.
8. 我希望今天能5:30下班。
I hope to get off work at 5:30 today.
9. 我們假裝肚子餓。
We pretend to be hungry.
10. 趕快把玩具收一收。
Hurry up to tidy up your toys.