The band was playing while I was waiting / waited.
※ 引述《howisfashion (台北趙默笙)》之銘言:
: 1. 在文法書習題上看到這樣一個句子:
: She is looking for a job while she is in school.
: 因為之前文法書提到"while"後面都是接進行式
: (ex.1.The phone rang while I was sleeping.
: 2.While I was doing my homework, my roommate was watching TV.)
: 想問有沒有弄錯!
: 重翻了一下文法書,有註記"while = 在那段時間內"!
: 那麼我是不是也可以說:
: While I did my homework, my roomate watched TV.
: 畢竟"過去簡單式"是指"在過去時間開始並結束的動作或情況",
: 那不也是"一段時間"?!
The band played while I waited.
The band played while I was waiting.
The band was playing while I waited.
The band was playing while I was waiting.
: 2. 文法解答:
: I wasn't at home last night, and I'm probably not going to be at home
: tonight either.
: 但我認為是: ~ I probably am not going to be ~ .不知道我有沒有說錯?!
確定性副詞: probably, certainly, definitely, clearly, obviously。
He has probably arrived by now. (英國英語一般用法)
He probably has arrived by now. (英國英語強調用法,美國英語一般用法)