scju (QQ)
2019-10-15 15:28:29各位好,請教一下
Case 1
Tom: Hey, you!
Bob: I'm sorry. Do/Did you mean me?
Both are possible. I'll explain why below.
Related side point: The sense of 'mean' here is similar to 'refer to'. Bob
could say Are/Were you referring to me?
Case 2
Tom: Perhaps we should try another approach.
Bob: What do/did you mean?
Only 'do' is appropriate here. Both Tom and Bob are presently engaged in the
conversation. Compare this to Case 1, where the two speakers are not
presently engaged in a conversation until Bob responds. I do think though
that the present tense 'Do' is more likely in Case 1 because, from the moment
of Bob's response, they begin to be presently engaged.
Related side point: Can you see how the sense of 'mean' is different from in
Case 1? It does not mean 'refer to'. (Well, what Bob means is not obvious
from this. In fact, he could mean What are you referring to? but I imagine a
paraphrase of Bob's response as: Please expand on what you just said.)