以下三題A~D有其中一個是錯的 懇求英文高手幫忙!! 1.In 1927,the(A)revolution (B) struck the motion picture industry(C) when the fi rst (D)all-talking picture, The Jazz Singer, was a phenomenal success. 2.(A)Among bees, (B)the queen is never alone, but it is always surrounded by (C) a swarm of workers (D) whom guess, clean, and feed her. 請問第二題是把D改成which嗎? 3. (A)In 1872, Congress declared (B) that Yellowstone (C) to be the first (D)nat ional park. 以及一題字彙: 1. Many of the barriers to career opportunity that existed only a few decades a (A)rapidly (B)directly (C)vigilantly (D)incessantly 這題周旋在A&D之間選不出來...意思上感覺都合乎題意 感謝各位的幫忙~ ~ ~