[文法] 句子請益

作者: galaxy11 (My Life My Style)   2021-06-13 09:18:32
Paul is the man who we believe has the best understanding of what it is that m
akes our products different from others on the market.
請問 what it is 中的 it is 可以省略嗎?
that makes… 是形容詞子句還是名詞子句?
作者: PPmYeah (寂寞雪山隧道)   2021-06-13 20:39:00
1. 如果要省略,it is that 要同時都拿掉2. 形容詞子句 修飾前面的what
作者: galaxy11 (My Life My Style)   2021-06-14 16:06:00
that 引導形容詞子句,為何不直接放在what後面?it is是指什麼?
作者: AirOctopus (AirOctopus)   2021-06-17 03:52:00
句形是Paul ... best understanding of (something)然後 something = what it... market 這一句it is 就是指那個 what (倒裝句) 那個what就是that makes our products different的東西原句是 It is XXX that makes our product different.現在XXX沒寫出來,用what代替。
作者: scju (QQ)   2021-06-17 14:01:00

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