※ 引述《Refauth (山丘上的長號手)》之銘言:
: Mom fatally shot when son, 2, grabs gun from her purse in Walmart
: 一名美國婦女於Walmart購物時,皮包中的手槍被兩歲大的兒子拿出並且走火射殺該位
: By Michael Martinez and Tony Marco, CNN updated 7:54 PM EST,
: Tue December 30, 2014
: http://tinyurl.com/pozl9u7
: A 29-year-old mother was fatally shot Tuesday in an Idaho Walmart when her
: 2-year-old son in the shopping cart grabbed a gun that was in her purse and
: shot her in an apparent accident, authorities said.
: 一位29歲婦人在愛達荷州Walmart購物時,皮包中的槍被她兩歲大兒子取出並開槍,
: 該婦人遭槍擊身亡。
: At the time, the mother and son were shopping with other family members,
: authorities said.
: 當時,該婦人與小孩正與其他家庭成員一起購物。
: "It appears that the victim brought several of her children here to do some
: shopping after the holidays," Miller told reporters in the parking lot.
: "The child looks like to be sitting in the shopping cart with the purse whil
: the female victim was shopping."
: 似乎受害者帶著一群她的小孩乘假日來購物,有個小孩坐在購物推車裡,
: 剛好皮包也放在裡面。
: OS:偉哉美利堅。顆顆。╮(﹀_﹀")╭
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