g8330330 (負債700萬)
2015-03-09 09:51:16http://www.humantrafficking.org/updates/644
Taiwan Men Seek Vietnamese Wives
....... choose brides from the comfort of their living rooms by
watching a TV show that airs photographs and biographical details of
Vietnamese women looking for husbands.
Men often enlist friends and business contacts in their wife search. But the
opularity of Vietnamese brides is so great that there is now a prime time
television show that broadcasts photographs and biographical data of
prospective wives. Those who prefer a more personal approach use the services
of about 300 marriage brokers operating in Taiwan who organize wife shopping
trips to Vietnam at costs that range from $900 to $10,000 for stays up to one
文長~~ 簡述越南女子嫁到台灣許多過得並不好
The Situation
Taiwan is a source and destination country for human trafficking.
Taiwanese women are trafficked for sexual exploitation in Canada, Japan,
the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Taiwan is a destination country for women and girls who are trafficked mostly
from the People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) and some from Vietnam, Cambodia
, and Thailand for sexual and labor exploitation.
Women and girls are recruited through fraudulent marriages, deceptive
employment offer, and illegal smuggling.
Many women from Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines migrate voluntarily to
Taiwan to work in construction, fishing and manufacturing industries, or as
domestic servants but are later coerced into involuntary servitude and debt
用google搜尋 外國也有台灣新娘仲介, 標榜能全心全力的服侍丈夫