→ gn02118620: 台灣本來就第三世界一直以為自己已開發阿... 03/24 23:33
@ United Nations Industrial Development Organization http://is.gd/9XgsTG
聯合 國 工業的 發展 組織 P34 P36 P38
※ Table A2 : Countries and economies by industrialization level ※
表 國 與 經濟體 按照 工業化 程度
> Industrialized economies http://i.imgur.com/QwEGC7X.png
工業化的 經濟體
Aruba Estonia Ireland Malta Slovenia
Australia Finland Israel Netherlands Spain
Austria France Italy New Caledonia Sweden
Bahrain French Guiana Japan New Zealand Switzerland
Belgium French Polynesia Korea Norway Taiwan Province of China
Bermuda Germany Kuwait Portugal United Arab Emirates
British Virgin Islands
Greenland Liechtenstein Puerto Rico United Kingdom
Canada Guam Lithuania Qatar United States
Curacao Hong Kong SAR Luxembourg Russia US Virgin Islands
Czech Hungary Macao SAR Singapore
Denmark Iceland Malaysia Slovakia
※ Table A3 Countries and economies by income(gross national income per capita)
表 國 與 經濟體 按照 收入 毛額 國民 收入 每 人均
> High income ($12,476 or more) http://i.imgur.com/pBoASSH.png
Andorra Curacao Guam Macao SAR Singapore
Anguilla Cyprus Hong Kong SAR Malta Slovakia
Aruba Czech Hungary Netherlands Slovenia
Australia Denmark Iceland New Caledonia Spain
Austria Equatorial Guinea
Ireland New Zealand Sweden
Bahamas Estonia Israel Norway Switzerland
Bahrain Finland Italy Oman Taiwan Province of China
Barbados France Japan Poland Trinidad and Tobago
Belgium French Polynesia
Korea Portugal United Arab Emirates
Bermuda Germany Kuwait Puerto Rico United Kingdom
Brunei Greece Liechtenstein Qatar United States
※ Table A4 : Countries and economies by income (constant 2005 PPP $) ※
表 國 與 經濟體 按照 收入 恆定 購買力元
> High income ($15,000 or more) http://i.imgur.com/G8NMelF.png
Antigua and Barbuda
Chile Iceland Malta Singapore
Argentina Cyprus Ireland Mauritius Slovakia
Australia Czech Israel Netherlands Slovenia
Austria Denmark Italy New Zealand Spain
Bahamas Equatorial Guinea
Japan Norway Sweden
Bahrain Estonia Kazakhstan Oman Switzerland
Barbados Finland Korea Palau Taiwan
Belarus France Kuwait Portugal Trinidad and Tobago
Belgium Germany Libya Puerto Rico United Arab Emirates
Bermuda Greece Luxembourg Qatar United Kingdom
Brunei Hong Kong SAR Macao SAR Saudi Arabia United States
Canada Hungary Malaysia Seychelles
→ gn02118620: 台灣本來就第三世界一直以為自己已開發阿... 03/24 23:33
@ The World Bank http://tinyurl.com/n6o69xz
這 世界 銀行
Gross National Income Per Capita Income Category
毛額的 國民 收入 每 人均 收入 類別
Taiwan US$21,620 High income
→ gn02118620: 台灣本來就第三世界一直以為自己已開發阿... 03/24 23:33
@ International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) http://tinyurl.com/n488boo
國際 貨幣 基金
※Advanced economies (36 countries) ※
先進 的 經濟體 國 們
☑ Australia ☑ Korea
☑ Austria ☑ Latvia
☑ Belgium ☑ Luxembourg
☑ Canada ☑ Malta
☑ Cyprus ☑ Netherlands
☑ Czech Republic ☑ New Zealand
☑ Denmark ☑ Norway
☑ Estonia ☑ Portugal
☑ Finland ☑ San Marino
☑ France ☑ Singapore
☑ Germany ☑ Slovak Republic
☑ Greece ☑ Slovenia
☑ Hong Kong SAR ☑ Spain
☑ Iceland ☑ Sweden
☑ Ireland ☑ Switzerland
☑ Israel ☑ Taiwan Province of China
☑ Italy ☑ United Kingdom
☑ Japan ☑ United States
LoveMoon (我不是魔獸三國作者.....)
2015-04-20 22:46:00這世界銀行
alcloth (呂布)
2015-04-20 22:46:00這個戰力不下呂布!!!小弟甘拜下風!!!
pds1 (莫對惡人慈悲)
2015-04-20 22:47:00Taiwan Province of China
作者: Linnsen 2015-04-20 22:48:00
台灣有錢得要命 大安信義內湖台中7期porche當買菜車
pauljet (噴射機)
2015-04-20 22:48:00Taiwan Province of China是啥意思?
Ashuya (亞修雅)
2015-04-20 22:48:00鬼島
gh26300 (尼安德塔人)
2015-04-20 22:48:001樓... ㄏ_ㄏ
alcloth (呂布)
2015-04-20 22:48:00那是國際貨幣基金IMF認定的 有什麼辦法 國際現實!
pauljet (噴射機)
2015-04-20 22:49:00給個翻譯啊
作者: Linnsen 2015-04-20 22:49:00
屁孩別飆車到台北市區 1P1A2B1L撞到賠不完
作人留一線 日後好相見阿 鄉民朋友XDDDDDDDD
alcloth (呂布)
2015-04-20 22:50:00因為會有人說他翻譯亂翻 所以他逐字翻譯XD
aqwa (我想去流浪.....)
2015-04-20 22:51:00煩死了 貼一堆數據是能幹嗎? 你是馬英九嗎?
b6byc (oopp)
2015-04-20 22:53:00US$21,620 ???
keane9112 (拎北逮頑郎 拎北反支那啦)
2015-04-20 22:55:00雖然你打他臉很爽 但他OX的支那的一個省 逼人噓!?
作者: xxxyangxxx (噹噹) 2015-04-20 22:57:00
Taiwan Province of China
loveenvy (James)
2015-04-20 22:59:00自從認識了數據哥,上ptt講話都不敢誇張了 XD
wenchii (!!PTT能吃嗎!!)
2015-04-20 22:59:00先進國家在幾百萬人口要城市 有一堆二行程排氣管機車嗎