Gnome 2015-05-01 10:57:32※ [本文轉錄自 PublicIssue 看板 #1LGdzJ99 ]
作者: Gnome () 看板: PublicIssue
標題: [情報] 安倍在米議會演講把台灣和中國分開提
時間: Fri May 1 03:15:26 2015
在聽安倍首相美國國會演講全文時發現:台灣 跟 中國 被分開 提及。
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26141496 21分30秒處
And it was Japan that received the biggest benefit from the very beginning by
the post-war economic system that the U.S. had fostered by opening up its own
market and calling for a liberal world economy.
Later on, from the 1980’s, we saw the rise of the Republic of Korea, Taiwan,
the ASEAN countries, and before long, China as well.
This time, Japan too devotedly poured in capital and technologies to support
their growths.
祝福 日●本 ,這是一個歷史時刻。