suntex01 (tears in my heart)
2015-05-14 09:47:31不是我要說,可是你真的有把你貼的內文看完嘛?
Revision to this Import Alert dated April 3, 2015, adds, removes and updates
multiple products to the list of products restricted by the Government of
On May 9, 2011, FDA reviewed additional data received from the Government of
Japan indicating radiation is no longer being detected in food products from
the prefectures of Gunma, Chiba, and Saitama. Products from these prefectures
are removed from Detention Without Physical Examination.
FDA and the Japanese government will continue to collaborate to ensure
products from the affected prefectures do not pose a health risk to U.S.
consumers. FDA will continue monitoring the public health risks due to
radionuclide contamination, and when appropriate will remove the Import Alert
and resume routine coverage of entries.
※ 引述《email556G (真-依媚5G)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《skyhigh5566 (維新の嵐)》之銘言:
: : http://i.imgur.com/NhxGlIB.jpg
: : 該篇新聞稍後附上
: : 內容大概就是十五日開始
: : 日本對台灣食品 不只農產品
: : 是全部種類的食品都禁止輸入
: : 1.福島等核災五縣的商品禁止輸入
: : 2.東京都與靜岡等八百項產品則要求每項附帶放射線檢測證明
: : 對於台灣政府毫無科學根據的作為
: : 日本方正在研議辦法
: : 連台灣食用油都處理不好
: : 飲料農藥殘留一直爆
: : 火鍋鴨血 胡椒鹽 都能出食安問題
: : 也有臉在那裏禁止檢測沒問題的日本食品
: : 這些被禁止輸入的東西 在日本是在超市隨便買就買的到
: : 乾脆要不要禁止台灣人到核災旅遊
: : 去了之後回來要抽血檢驗有沒有核汙染殘留好了
: 先看看米國FDA的公告要求
: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cms_ia/importalert_621.html
: Import Alert # 99-33
: Published Date: 04/03/2015
: Type: DWPE
: Import Alert Name:
: Detention Without Physical Examination of Products from Japan Due to
: Radionuclide Contamination
: (因輻射汙染拒絕無放射性檢驗的日本產品進口)
: Guidance:
: Districts may detain, without physical examination, the specified products
: from firms in theFukushima, Aomori, Chiba, Gumna, Ibaraki, Iwate, Miyagi,
: Nagano, Niigata, Saitama Shizuoka, Tochigig, Yamagata and Yamanashi
: prefectures. (上述地區產品需檢驗)
: 連米國都要求要提供檢驗報告了,鬼島的要求臭了嗎
: 阿本敢去WTO靠腰山姆大叔嗎