Re: [新聞] 再提六項保證 美國務卿:中共是中國唯一

作者: alvinpon   2017-02-10 11:55:01
※ 引述《GB5566 (★煞氣ㄟ好男孩☆)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《takase (............)》之銘言:
: : 特別去找了英文報導來看
: :
: : “The people of Taiwan are friends of the United States and should not be
: : treated as a bargaining chip. The US commitment to Taiwan is both a legal
: : commitment and a moral imperative,” he said.
: : Under the “one China” policy, the US recognizes the People’s Republic of
: : China as the sole legal government of China and acknowledges the Chinese
: : position that Taiwan is part of China, Tillerson said.
: : 看出差異了嗎?原文是
: : 美國承認PRC是中國唯一合法政府 也 認知到 中方"台灣是中國一部分"的立場
: : UDN的報導就剪接成了
: : 在此政策下,美國承認中華人民共和國是「中國」唯一的合法政府,
: : 承認中方的對台立場,台灣是「中國」的一部分。
: : 惡毒無恥!! 根本不配做新聞從業者!
: 台灣真的很可憐,每天都在研究美國政府聲明英文單字及其含意,
: 高興也好,憤怒也罷,查證解釋又如何?也只有台灣人自己在上英文課而已,
: 外國人根本不瞭解也不想瞭解,由其是歐美國家人民,他們心中的台灣,
: 地位就跟香港、澳門一樣,是個隸屬於中國,卻又享有獨特地位的區域,
: 他們壓根兒沒聽過什麼九二共識,也懶得去知道。
: 雅虎線上字典:acknowledge vt.及物動詞
: 1. 承認[(+as)][+v-ing][+that][O2][O7][O8]
: I acknowledge that her criticism is just.
: 我承認她的批評是公正的。
: 2. 就……表示謝忱
: The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
: 候選人揮手對大眾的歡呼表示感謝。
: 3. 告知收到(信件等)
: I acknowledged her letter at once.
: 我馬上告知收到了她的信。
: 4. 對……打招呼
: Stella didn't even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting.
: 我向斯特拉揮手致意,可她連招呼也不打一個。
: 大家自己判斷是"承認"還是"認知"吧
美國在台協會主席薄瑞光 媒體圓桌會議 2009年11月24日
第二,在《美中聯合聲明》中只有一段跟台灣有關。那一段的開頭是:「美國與中國強調台灣問題在美中關係中的重要性... ...」。該段中有一句聲明,「中國」,請注意是中國單方面,「強調台灣問題涉及中國主權和領土完整... ...」。
President Carter recognized the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the government of China, and derecog- nized the Republic of China, located on Taiwan. See S. Kan, Cong. Research Serv., China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China” Policy—Key Statements from Washing- ton, Beijing, and Taipei 1, 10 (Oct. 10, 2014). As to the status of Taiwan, the President “acknowledge[d] the Chi- nese position” that “Taiwan is part of China,” id., at 39
(text of U. S.–PRC Joint Communique on the Establish- ment of Diplomatic Relations (Jan. 1, 1979)), but he did not accept that claim.
(1) “* * * [W]e did not agree to set a date certain for ending arms sales to Taiwan”;
(2) “* * * [W]e see no mediation role for the United States” between Taiwan and the PRC;
(3) “* * *[N]or will we attempt to exert pressure on Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC”;
(4) “* * * [T]here has been no change in our longstanding position on the issue of sovereignty over Taiwan”;
(5) “We have no plans to seek” revisions to the Taiwan Relations Act; and
(6) the August 17 Communiqué, “should not be read to imply that we have agreed to engage in prior consultations with Beijing on arms sales to Taiwan”;

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