※ 引述《VirgilAeneid (維吉爾)》之銘言:
: 蔡英文於推特第12度發表WHA相關聲明
: https://twitter.com/iingwen
: Excluding Taiwan from WHA contravenes the very founding principles
: of the WHO. Full Presidential Office statement:
: http://bit.ly/2ptVsDO
: 將台灣排除在WHA外違反世衛組織的基本原則。
: 完整的總統府聲明如下:
: Office of the President's response to Taiwan's lack of invitation to this
: year's WHA
: Date 2017/05/09
: We express our strong disappointment and displeasure following Taiwan's lack
: of invitation to this year's World Health Assembly (WHA). We call on the
: World Health Organization (WHO) to recognize the fact that Taiwan is an
: integral part of the global disease prevention system and that the 23 million
: people of Taiwan have an inalienable right to equal treatment in health. A
: large number of countries and international health organizations have made
: their support clear.
: Health is a human right, and disease prevention transcends national borders.
: We have repeatedly called attention to the fact that the WHO exists for the
: health and welfare of every person in the world. As a member of the
: international community, the people of Taiwan have the right to participate
: in international health-related events and activities, including those under
: the WHO. Given Taiwan's continued contributions to global health and disease
: prevention, Taiwan should not become a gap in the global disease prevention
: network.
: Measures to exclude or even suppress Taiwan in the WHA contravene the very
: founding principles of the WHO. They are also unfair to the people of Taiwan
: and have negative implications on global health and disease prevention.
: In the past weeks, many countries and international health organizations have
: given their support and assistance for Taiwan. We are particularly grateful
: to the United States, Japan, Canada, European countries, and other
: like-minded countries, as well as diplomatic allies that have spoken in
: support for Taiwan's participation.
: 台灣媒體太可惡了,
: 蔡英文為了台灣,
: 拋頭顱,灑熱血的替台灣在推特發言.
: 因為要讓世界除了日本以外的各國政府,
: 更清楚中共的無理蠻橫,
: 這次還放棄以日文改用英文發表,
: 結果居然沒有媒體願意代為宣傳,
: 台灣的媒體都被中共收買了嗎???
: 看來中共這次真的嚇到屁滾尿流,
: 才用盡全力封鎖新聞,
: 因為看過聲明的台灣人,
: 要是不痛哭流涕,就是不忠.
: 看過聲明的中國人,
: 要是不立馬反共,就是不智,
: 看過聲明的各國政府,
: 要是不馬上對中國宣戰,就是不倫.
: 所以中共當然要拼命封鎖消息.
: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1494381565.A.169.html
: → fantasibear: 無聊智障 05/10 09:59
: 推 ridecule: 塊陶ㄚ 05/10 09:59
: 推 YingJiou5566: 學人精 05/10 10:00
: 推 a741085: 秦檜抄英文 05/10 10:00
: 推 svd237: 發推特到底有啥用 05/10 10:00
: → Newtype: 這就是昨天說的大絕招喔? 05/10 10:01
: 噓 Vett: 母豬的憤怒 05/10 10:01
: 推 LoveMakeLove: 推特發太多了吧。 05/10 10:02
: → jma306: 宋高宗十二道金牌召回岳飛 05/10 10:02
: → LoveMakeLove: 重點是沒一個是用中文發推特,對照中華民國總統 05/10 10:02
: 推 skyexers: 越看越想笑 05/10 10:02
: → LoveMakeLove: 真是諷刺 05/10 10:02
: 噓 SilentBob: 空心無能母豬英 低能丟臉無藥醫 05/10 10:05
: → seesony: 前幾天再網易有看到相關報導就是了 05/10 10:06
: → znlin: 用推特是因為主要給外國人看,美日…等國用推特較多 05/10 10:06
: → saisai34: 森77 看我12道推特 05/10 10:08
: → yiersan: 推 05/10 10:11
: → EvoLancer: 有比12道金牌猛嗎 05/10 10:15
: 推 lawrance: 好笑嗎,悲哀。一堆中國狗。 05/10 10:17
: 噓 NNK0702: 推特治國。。。能否做些正事。。 05/10 10:18
: 噓 isacjvdov: 無能到了極點 能否作些正事 05/10 10:26
: → meatbear: 真的蠻好笑的 05/10 10:36
: 推 YingJiou5566: 好笑,繼續無腦護航下去 05/10 10:37
: 噓 kitty76415: 潮水退了 05/10 10:37
: ※ 編輯: VirgilAeneid (, 05/10/2017 10:42:50
: 推 zephyr105: 好玩嗎推特 05/10 10:49
: 噓 m10101102: 總統真好當XD 05/10 10:53
: 噓 chiangww: 發推特有用的話,自己印邀請函如何? 05/10 10:55