[新聞] 平昌冬奧選手村設立同性戀專區

作者: muse87131 (qwertyuiop)   2018-02-13 12:46:04
Thanks to Canada, gay Olympic athletes have a place all their own in the Olympic Village
(CNN) LGBTQ athletes have a place to call their own in the Olympic Village in Pyeongchang.
It's called the Pride House, a building in the village that's a safe space for gay and lesbian athletes, their friends, family and supporters.
選手村內有個叫做Pride House的安全地帶,專門供同性戀選手以及其家屬、朋友、支持者來使用。
The first Pride House popped up during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and since then they have appeared at a number of international sporting events, including the 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in London and the 2016 Summer Games in Rio, Brazil.
Pride House 於2010年溫哥華冬季奧運首次推出,之後的2012倫敦夏奧、帕奧以及2016里約夏奧也都有設置。
What makes the Pride House in Pyeongchang special is that it's the first one to be affiliated with and hosted by a national Olympic committee. It's also the first Pride House in Asia.
平昌奧運的Pride House特別之處在於是首次由國家奧委會設置,而且是亞洲第一座。
The Canadian Olympic Committee hosts the Pride House in its Canada Olympic House in the village, in a collaboration with Pride House International, which promotes equality and diversity in sports, and the Korean Sexual Minority Culture and Rights Center.
"Team Canada is proud to embrace its diversity at Canada House, which includes a sign at the front door, welcoming all and knows that as a team, we are stronger when we celebrate our differences," Chris Overholt, CEO and secretary general of the Canadian Olympic Committee, said in a statement. "We are pleased to be able to share with the world what it means to be Canadian and what it means to #BeOlympic."
本次的Pride House是由加拿大奧委會聯合Pride House International以及韓國LGBTQ人權中心所設置的,地點就在加拿大選手屋內。Pride House International致力在體育界推廣平權和多元價值。
「加拿大國家代表隊很榮幸能夠在加拿大選手屋設立Pride House,並且提倡多元價值觀。我們大門前面就有招牌,而且來者不拒。我們都明白,團隊越多元,力量就越強大。」
"Within these walls where those with Olympics hearts come to gather, you are welcomed, accepted and respected," the sign reads. "This is your house no matter who you are or where you come from."
Pride House招牌上寫著:「來客請進,秉持奧運精神,互相尊重、互相接納。不論身分、不分國籍,這裡是你的家。」
There was not a Pride House during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. A couple of years before those Games started, government officials turned down LGBT activists' attempts to organize one. The matter ended up in court, where a Russian judge in 2011 rejected the registration for the house, saying that such a house would "contradict the foundations of public morality and government policy in the area of protection of the family, motherhood and childhood."
2014年俄羅斯索契冬奧並無設置Pride House。賽事開始數年前LGBT人士曾向俄羅斯政府申請,但遭拒絕。最後上訴至俄羅斯法院,但是法官於2011年判決申請無效,理由是「Pride House違反公共道德,不符合政府保護家庭、婦女和小孩的政策。」
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