MEOWWW (meow)
2024-01-24 05:22:51主要是廣告標語啦!國外新聞寫的比較清楚
H&M has pulled a school uniform ad over criticism that it sexualized young girls
Grace Dean Jan 23, 2024, 6:50 AM ET
Swedish fast-fashion retailer H&M has pulled a school uniform advert in Australi
a after being widely accused of sexualizing children.
The advert shows two young girls in matching white shirts, dark gray pinafores,
and pink rucksacks on board what appears to be a pink school bus. Text accompany
ing the advert, which appeared as sponsored posts on social media, read "Make th
ose heads turn in H&M's Back to School fashion."
"What is your intention with this sponsored Facebook ad? Little schoolgirls gene
rally don't want to 'turn heads,'" author and speaker Melinda Tankard Reist post
ed on X. "Why would you want to fuel the idea that little girls should draw atte
ntion to their looks, bodies and 'style'?"
Users on X suggested that the girls' legs had been oiled for the photo and point
ed out their sideways look at the camera. People criticized the way H&M portraye
d young girls in school uniform, calling the ad "creepy" and "disturbing."
"Having been stalked in school uniform and developed fear of any public space fo
r months afterwards I know how real dangers are," one person wrote.
H&M said that the ad had been removed. "We are deeply sorry for the offense this
has caused and will look into how we present campaigns going forward," it said
in a post on X.
※ 引述《ThisisLongID》之銘言
: H&M最新廣告出包!挨批性化兒童 網罵「噁心、惡劣」
: 壹蘋新聞網
: 【張翠蘭/綜合外電】國際知名快時尚品牌H&M最近在澳洲推出以校服為概念的新系列服
: 飾廣告,收到負面迴響,挨批使兒童色情化,H&M緊急回應,迅速撤除該則廣告並道歉。
: 根據美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)1月22日報導,H&M針對在澳洲的一則校服廣告道歉,稱
: 「我們已經刪除這則廣告,對因此造成的冒犯深表歉意」;該則廣告僅在澳洲發布。
: 廣告雖已刪除,但早就在第一時間被許多社群網路用戶截圖;畫面顯示,廣告視覺焦點是
: 兩名小女生,她們都穿著短袖白色襯衫、外罩無袖連身學生洋裝,裙長為膝上高度,並搭
: 配白襪和黑色漆皮鞋。
: H&M把廣告海報發表在社群網站時,搭配廣告詞為「H&M的返校時尚風格吸引那些回頭看的
: 眼光」。
: 廣告迅速被網友轉發,但眾人並非欣賞或稱讚,而是指責這家瑞典零售服飾巨擘宣揚戀童
: 癖。
: 心理學家、人際關係專家兼作家史普爾(Pam Spurr)博士帶頭抱怨:「這則卑鄙廣告迎
: 合了戀童癖者,釋放出他們對女孩的渴望是可以的訊號。」她疾呼抵制,痛斥該品牌「對
: 女孩的可恥剝削」。
: 澳洲作家賴斯特(Melinda Tankard Reist)也說:「小女學生通常不想要『回頭率』。
: 我在學校裡接觸的很多人都希望獨自一人學習和享受樂趣,而不是因為自己外表而引起不
: 必要的關注。”
: 不少網友指稱這則廣告畫面「寒毛直豎」、「令人不安」,並勾起許多人在校時「被人側
: 目」的不適回憶。還有網友斥該品牌「惡劣」、「噁心」。
: 英國廣播公司(BBC)報導,英國育兒網站「媽媽網」(Mumsnet)創辦人羅伯茨(
: Justine Roberts)表示,很高興H&M承認錯誤並刪除廣告,但這則廣告「從一開始就不應
: 該製作」。
: 平價跨境電商平台Temu去年也曾因為一則廣告被控性化兒童,被英國廣告監管機構下架。
: https://tw.nextapple.com/international/20240123/8411315883B402895D18288F424E2C
: 縮網址: https://reurl.cc/G4jAzp
: https://imgur.com/ISf13K9.jpg
: 樓下老實說看了有沒有翹起來