QCANCER (琉璃螃蟹)
2015-06-23 10:22:00※ 引述《QCANCER (琉璃螃蟹)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《JohnMash (Paul)》之銘言:
: : Wonky Tsai
: : 1. 學院蔡
: : 2. 空心蔡
: : 3. 虚弱蔡
: : 4. 動搖蔡
: : 基礎不牢,地動山搖。
: : http://imgur.com/GsX26nv
: 我英文不好,但還是去看了原文
: Tsai gained a reputation for being wonky
: 民進黨的翻譯版本確實很噁心「得到學院派的風評」
: 本魯看了前後文的解讀
: 這段應該是講,她的政治歷程,一路到2012大選
: 是由原本「靠不住」的印象,漸漸贏得她的聲譽 (誇號中些微差距敗選形容了這個聲譽)
This is not an average breakfast for the 58-year-old lawyer turned politician
running to become Taiwan’s next President—most days she grabs a coffee and
books it to the car. But it is, in many ways, oh so Tsai. The Taipei-raised,
U.S.- and U.K.-educated former negotiator wrote her doctoral thesis on
international trade law. As a minister, party chair and presidential candidate
(she narrowly lost to two-term incumbent Ma Ying-jeou in the 2012 race), Tsai
gained a reputation for being wonky—the type who
likes to debate protectionism over early-morning sips of black coffee or
oolong tea.
單單挑wonky 出來看,這個字眼是負面的意思無誤
但前文的敘述跟後文補述 整體是一種正面的側寫
例如 孔子像個笨蛋