(我只節錄我想節錄的 想看更多請看連結)
Mr Speaker, there are 3 reasons why the Omicron variant is a threat.
The first is that it’s far more transmissible than the Delta variant
第一 遠比Delta更強的傳染力
We can see this most starkly when looking at how many days it takes for the
number of infections to double for each variant.
For Delta, this was around every 7 days, but for Omicron, based on the latest
data from here and around the world, our latest analysis is that it’s around
between 2.5 and 3 days.
Delta大約每七天 確診數會翻倍
Although there are only 568 confirmed Omicron cases in the UK, we know that
the actual number of infections will be significantly higher.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) estimates that the number of infections
will be around 20 times higher than the number of confirmed cases and so the
number of infections is closer to 10,000.
UKHSA estimate that at the current observed doubling rate of between 2.5 and
3 days, by the end of this month infections could exceed a million.
到這個月底 英國會超過一百萬人感染
Second, severity.
第二 嚴重度
Even if severity is lower or the same as Delta, high transmissibility means
the Omicron variant can still have a severe impact with the threat of more
hospitalisations and unsustainable pressure on the NHS.
Third, we’ve been looking closely at what the Omicron variant means for our
vaccination programme.
第三 疫苗對Omicron的效果
New laboratory data that has emerged in the last 24 hours suggests that there
is lower immunity against Omicron from vaccination when compared to the Delta
variant, so that 2 doses of a vaccine is less effective at reducing
transmission in the community.
兩劑疫苗對Omicron的防護力 效果更低
So people aged 40 and over – and those in high-risk groups – will be able
to get their booster jab from 3 months after their second dose.
40歲以上 第二劑後三個月就能打第三劑
First: guidance on working from home.
Second: certification
Third: face coverings.
Fourth: as Omicron spreads in the community, we will also introduce daily
tests for contacts instead of isolation so we keep people safe while
minimising the disruption to daily life.
Fifth: communications.
We’ll be urging caution in all our communications on COVID-19, and keep
urging people to get their booster doses and to follow the little steps that
can to help get this virus under control.
溝通和教育民眾 遵守指引 快去打第三劑
Now, as we face this new threat, we must draw on the same spirit that’s got
us here, strengthen our defences and think about what we can do to get this
virus under control.