[黑特] 英國金融時報對吳宗憲和黃國昌的誤解

作者: cedric1982 (無限期的熱戀期)   2024-05-31 11:03:16
金融時報對藍白立委的評價是:「parliamentary coup」(國會政變)、「voted on with
little deliberation and with a simple shows of hands」(不經深思熟慮且不記名舉
手就對修正案進行表決)、「has broadened its own powers…ignoring large protests
in the capital Taipei and other cities」(擴大了自己的權力…無視首都台北市和其
他城市的大規模抗議遊行)、「undermining President Lai Ching-te’s attempt to un
ify Taiwan against growing threats and pressure from China just a week after h
e took office.」(破壞了賴清德總統上任以來團結台灣應對來自中國日益增加的威脅施
金融時報對藍白三讀版本的評價是:「in parts sloppily written」(部分條文寫得很草
率)、三讀版本的藐視國會罪是一項定義不明確的指控(an ill-defined charge),將開啟
一扇出於政治迫害動機的獵巫行動大門(open the door to politically motivated witc
h hunts)、「fine them heavily if they fail to satisfy demands for detailed tes
timony」(如果證人沒辦法滿足細瑣的證詞要求,可以重重地處罰鍰)、「Some of the le
gislature’s new powers stray into areas that more properly reside with the ju
stice system.」(立法院新增的權力誤入了更應屬於司法制度的領域)、「Some of the l
egislature’s new powers stray into areas that more properly reside with the j
ustice system.」(這將削弱社會大眾對於立法院的信心,而且更進一步地,削弱台灣人
金融時報對台灣國防安全的評價是:「the provisions forcing testimony by military
officials could jeopardise key defence projects such as construction of Taiwa
n’s indigenously-built submarines. 強迫軍方官員作證的規定可能會危及台灣潛艦國
最後,金融時報似乎誤解一件事,違憲法案的main architect(提案主筆人)不是Wu Tsung
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