[新聞] 美議員和委內瑞拉特使在拉美議題上交鋒

作者: kwei (光影)   2019-02-15 04:04:05
標題:Ilhan Omar and Elliott Abrams, Venezuela envoy, clash over U.S. meddling in
Latin America
(眾議員 Ilhan Omar 和委內瑞拉特使 Elliott Abrams 在拉美議題上交鋒)
新聞來源:原文 https://goo.gl/brRXZT
Washington — U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, grilled the State
Department's special representative to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, over his
involvement in the Iran-Contra affair and other controversial foreign policy
decisions during the Cold War.
(來自明尼蘇達州的聯邦眾議員Ilhan Omar “拷問” 了國務院駐委內瑞拉的特別代表
Elliott Abrams 。 在冷戰期間,Abrams涉入了軍售伊朗醜聞(Iran-Contra Affair)以及
In a contentious exchange during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on
the socio-political crisis in Venezuela, Abrams faced pointed questions and
scathing criticism from Omar, an outspoken critic of the Trump's
administration's hawkish stance against President Nicolas Maduro's
(在眾議院外交事務委員會聽取委內瑞拉社會政治危機的聽証會上,發生一場 有爭議的交
鋒。 Abrams 面臨著 Omar 的尖銳問題和嚴厲的批評, Omar 直言不諱地批評川普政府
對總統Nicolas Maduro政府的強硬立場。)
"I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people
should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful," Omar told
Abrams after outlining the two misdemeanor counts he plead guilty to in 1991
for withholding information from Congress.
” Omar 在描述了Abrams 在 1991年因向國會隱瞞資訊而認罪的事件後如此說。)
Abrams quickly interjected, labeling Omar's assertions an "attack."
(Abrams 迅速插話,將 Omar 的主張認定為“攻擊”。)
As assistant secretary of state during the Reagan administration, Abrams was
involved in a secret arms deal in which the U.S. sought to trade missiles and
other weapons to Iran and use the funds to support right-wing paramilitaries
known as the "contras," who were seeking to topple a leftist government in
Nicaragua. In a 1991 plea agreement with an independent commission tasked
with probing the scandal — which became known as the Iran-Contra affair —
Abrams admitted to lying to members of Congress about the clandestine deal.
In 1992, he and other Reagan administration officials embroiled in the
scandal were pardoned by former President George H. W. Bush.
( 作為雷根政府期間的助理國務卿, Abrams 參與了一項秘密武器交易,其中美國試圖
議中 - Abrams 承認向國會議員謊報了秘密協議。 1992年,他和其他雷根政府官員捲入
Omar also pressed Abrams about his role in shaping an interventionist
American foreign policy in other Latin American countries during his first
stints at the State Department. During the Cold War, the U.S. supported
various violent coups in Latin America, including some against
democratically-elected governments.
( Omar 還向 Abrams 施壓,要求他承認在國務院的第一次任期內,在其他拉美國家制定
The freshman Democrat asked Abrams about a remark he made in 1993, when he
called the Reagan administration's record in El Salvador a "fabulous
achievement." Between 1979 and 1992, the U.S. backed a right-wing military
government in El Salvador during a civil war against leftist guerrillas that
resulted in the deaths of more than 75,000 people, according to the Center
for Justice and Accountability, an international human rights group.
( 這位民主黨新進議員向 Abrams 詢問他在1993年所做的評論[1],當時他稱雷根政府在
薩爾瓦多的記錄是“難以置信的成就”。根據國際人權組織Center for Justice and
Omar specifically cited the massacre of hundreds of civilians by the
American-trained El Salvadoran army at the El Mazote village in 1981.
"Yes or no, do you think that massacre was a 'fabulous achievement' that
happened under our watch," she asked.
"That is a ridiculous question," Abrams responded, again accusing Omar of
crafting a "personal attack."
( Omar 特別引用了1981年在El Mazote村受到美國訓練的薩爾瓦多軍隊屠殺數百名平民的
“這是一個荒謬的問題,” Abrams 回答說,再次指責 Omar 製造了“人身攻擊”。)
Omar continued her questioning, asking Abrams if he would be in favor of the
U.S. supporting armed groups in Venezuela that participate in war crimes,
crimes against humanity or genocide if he believed it would serve America's
interests. Abrams refused to answer the specific question, saying it was not
a "real" question.
( Omar 繼續質詢 Abrams ,如果他相信符合美國的利益的話,是否贊成美國支持委內瑞
拉的武裝團體參與戰爭罪行,危害人類罪行或種族滅絕罪行。Abrams 拒絕回答具體問題
Along with recognizing the main opposition leader in Venezuela as the
country's interim president and issuing sweeping sanctions against the
largest state-owned oil company, the Trump administration has pledged more
than $20 million in humanitarian assistance to the Venezuelan people.
"Whether under your watch a genocide will take place and you will look the
other way because American interests were being upheld is a fair question
because the American people want to know that anytime we engage in a country
that we think about what our actions could be and how we believe our values
are being furthered," Omar said.
( Omar 說,“無論在你的監控下是否會發生種族滅絕,你要用另一種方式看問題,因為
After again downplaying her question, Abrams said "the entire thrust of
American policy in Venezuela is to support the Venezuelan people's effort to
restore democracy to their country."
In her final question, Omar asked Abrams whether American foreign policy
prioritized upholding human rights and protecting people against genocide.
"That is always the position of the United States," he replied.
(在再次淡化她的問題之後, Abrams 說:“美國在委內瑞拉政策的全部目的是支持委內
在最後一個問題中, Omar 向 Abrams 詢問美國外交政策是否優先考慮維護人權和保護人
[1] Washington Post Mar 21, 1993 報導 https://goo.gl/LrHSui
作者: kwei (光影)   2019-02-15 04:14:00
文中"Iran-Contra affair" 也是美國軍工利益集團胡作非為的一個經典案例。"Contra" 這個字,玩過"魂斗羅"的人應該不陌生,就在開頭畫面上,也是美版遊戲名。這背後也是有歷史原因的。有興趣可搜"The forgotten politics behind Contra's name" 這篇文章

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