kwei (光影)
2019-02-27 05:01:22標題: Huawei Frightens Europe's Data Protectors. America Does, Too
( 除了華為,美國也讓歐洲數據保護者恐懼 )
新聞來源: Bloomberg 原文 https://goo.gl/BFcGJK
A foreign power with possible unbridled access to Europe’s data is causing
alarm in the region. No, it’s not China. It’s the U.S.
( 一股可以無限制地讀取歐洲數據的外國勢力在該地區引起警剔。不,這不是中國。這是
美國。 )
As the U.S. pushes ahead with the “Cloud Act” it enacted about a year ago,
Europe is scrambling to curb its reach. Under the act, all U.S. cloud service
providers from Microsoft and IBM to Amazon