kwei (光影)
2020-02-15 10:02:47The Lies About Assange Must Stop Now
原文:Consortium News
John Pilger 作
李鑑慧 譯;陳真 校訂
Newspapers and other media in the United States and Britain have recently
declared a passion for freedom of speech, especially their right to publish
freely. They are worried by the “Assange effect”.
It is as if the struggle of truth-tellers like Julian Assange and Chelsea
Manning is now a warning to them: that the thugs who dragged Assange out of
the Ecuadorean embassy in April may one day come for them.
十分擔心「阿桑吉效應」。他們顯然認為,朱利安阿桑吉(Julian Assange)與雀喜‧曼
寧(Chelsea Manning)這類真相挖掘者的下場,無非就是一場殺雞儆猴的警告;他們擔
A common refrain was echoed by The Guardian last week. The extradition of
Assange, said the paper, “is not a question of how wise Mr. Assange is,
still less how likable. It’s not about his character, nor his judgement. It’
s a matter of press freedom and the public’s right to know.”
What The Guardian is trying to do is separate Assange from his landmark
achievements, which have both profited The Guardian and exposed its own
vulnerability, along with its propensity to suck up to rapacious power and
smear those who reveal its double standards.
The poison that has fueled the persecution of Julian Assange is not as
obvious in this editorial as it usually is; there is no fiction about Assange
smearing faeces on embassy walls or being awful to his cat.
Instead, the weasel references to “character” and “judgement” and “
likeability” perpetuate an epic smear which is now almost a decade old.
Nils Melzer, the United Nations Rapporteur on Torture, used a more apt
description. “There has been,” he wrote, “a relentless and unrestrained
campaign of public mobbing.” He explains mobbing as “an endless stream of
humiliating, debasing and threatening statements in the press”. This “
collection ridicule” amounts to torture and could lead to Assange’s death.
聯合國「刑求調查專員」 Niles Melzer 倒是講出了公道話。他說,阿桑吉長久以來所遭
Having witnessed much of what Melzer describes, I can vouch for the truth of
his words. If Julian Assange were to succumb to the cruelties heaped upon
him, week after week, month after month, year upon year, as doctors warn,
newspapers like The Guardian will share the responsibility.
我可擔保並親眼見證聯合國「刑求調查專員」Melzer 所描述的大部分情況,其所言不虛
A few days ago, The Sydney Morning Herald’s man in London, Nick Miller,
wrote a lazy, specious piece headlined, “Assange has not been vindicated, he
has merely out-waited justice.” He was referring to Sweden’s abandonment
of the so-called Assange investigation.
幾天前,雪梨《晨鋒報》駐倫敦記者 Nick Miller 寫了一篇信口開河、似是而非的報導
Miller’s report is not untypical for its omissions and distortions while
masquerading as a tribune of women’s rights. There is no original work, no
real inquiry: just smear.
There is nothing on the documented behaviour of a clutch of Swedish zealots
who hi jacked the “allegations” of sexual misconduct against Assange and
made a mockery of Swedish law and that society’s vaunted decency.
He makes no mention that in 2013, the Swedish prosecutor tried to abandon the
case and emailed the Crown Prosecution Service in London to say it would no
longer pursue a European Arrest Warrant, to which she received the reply: “
Don’t you dare!!!” (Thanks to Stefania Maurizi of La Repubblica)
此外,Miller 也沒有提到在 2013年瑞典檢察官打算放棄起訴,並電郵給倫敦的「皇家檢
察署」(Crown Prosecution Service),告知此案並不需要發佈歐洲逮捕令。對此,這
位女性檢察官收到的回覆竟然是:「妳有膽就試試看!!!」(Don’t you dare!!!)〔
感謝義大利《共和國報》的Stefania Maurizi提供這項資訊〕
Other emails show the CPS discouraging the Swedes from coming to London to
interview Assange – which was common practice – thus blocking progress that
might have set him free in 2011.
There was never an indictment. There were never charges. There was never a
serious attempt to put “allegations” to Assange and question him –
behaviour that the Swedish Court of Appeal ruled to be negligent and the
General Secretary of the Swedish Bar Association has since condemned.
Both the women involved said there was no rape. Critical written evidence of
their text messages was willfully withheld from Assange’s lawyers, clearly
because it undermined the “allegations”.
One of the women was so shocked that Assange was arrested, she accused the
police of railroading her and changing her witness statement. The chief
prosecutor, Eva Finne, dismissed the “suspicion of any crime.”
吉。總檢察官 Eva Finne 事實上也駁回了任何對於阿桑吉的相關指控。
The Sydney Morning Herald man omits how an ambitious and compromised
politician, Claes Borgstrom, emerged from behind the liberal facade of
Swedish politics and effectively seized and revived the case.
Claes Borgstrom,如何在瑞典政治的開明假像底下,取得此案主導權,欲使該案敗部復
Borgstrom enlisted a former political collaborator, Marianne Ny, as the new
prosecutor. Ny refused to guarantee that Assange would not be sent on to the
United States if he was extradited to Sweden, even though, as The Independent
reported, “informal discussions have already taken place between the US and
Swedish officials over the possibility of the WikiLeaks founder Julian
Assange being delivered into American custody, according to diplomatic
sources.” This was an open secret in Stockholm. That libertarian Sweden had
a dark, documented past of rendering people into the hands of the CIA was not
Borgstrom 召喚先前的一位政治夥伴 Marianne Ny,擔任該案新任檢察官。然而,儘管英
話,討論將朱利安阿桑吉交由美方拘押的可能性。」然而,Ny 依舊拒絕保證阿桑吉倘若
,長久以來不斷協助將 CIA 所要獵捕的人士送交美國手上。此事由來已久,並非新聞,
The silence was broken in 2016 when the United Nations Working Party on
Arbitrary Detention, a body that decides whether governments are meeting
their human rights obligations, ruled that Julian Assange was unlawfully
detained by Britain and called on the British government to set him free.
直到 2016年,沉寂方才打破:專門負責裁決各國政府是否遵守人權義務的國際組織