“Manjusri, when the World-Honored Medicine
Buddha was treading the Bodhisattva path, he solemnly
made Twelve Great Vows to grant sentient beings whatever they desired.”
First Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme,
Perfect Enlightenment, brilliant rays will shine forth from
my body, illuminating infi nite, countless boundless realms.
Th is body will be adorned with the Thirty-Two Marks
of Greatness and Eighty Auspicious Characteristics.
Furthermore, I will enable all sentient beings to become
just like me.
Second Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, my body, inside and out, will radiate far
and wide the clarity and fl awless purity of lapis lazuli. Th is
body will be adorned with superlative virtues and dwell
peacefully in the midst of a web of light more magnifi cent
than the sun or moon. The light will awaken the minds of
all beings dwelling in darkness, enabling them to engage
in their pursuits according to their wishes.
Third Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, I will, with infi nite wisdom and skillful
means, provide all sentient beings with an inexhaustible
quantity of goods to meet their material needs. They will
never want for anything.
Fourth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, I will set all who follow heretical ways
upon the path to Enlightenment. Likewise, I will set those
who follow the Sravaka and Pratyeka-Buddha ways onto
the Mahayana path.
Fifth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, I will help all the countless sentient beings
who cultivate the path of morality in accordance with my
Dharma to observe the rules of conduct (Precepts) to
perfection, in conformity with the Th ree Root Precepts.
Even those guilty of disparaging or violating the Precepts
will regain their purity upon hearing my name, and avoid
descending upon the Evil Paths.
Sixth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, sentient beings with imperfect bodies
– whose senses are defi cient, who are ugly, stupid, blind,
deaf, mute, crippled, hunchbacked, leprous, insane or suffering from various
other illnesses – will, upon hearing my
name, acquire well-formed bodies, endowed with intelligence, with all senses
intact. They will be free of illness
and suff ering.
Seventh Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, sentient beings afflicted with various illnesses, with no one
to help them, nowhere to turn, no
physicians, no medicine, no family, no home – who are
destitute and miserable – will, as soon as my name passes
through their ears, be relieved of all their illnesses. With
mind and body peaceful and contented, they will enjoy
home, family and property in abundance and eventually
realize Unsurpassed Supreme Enlightenment.
Eighth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, those women who are extremely disgusted
with the ‘hundred affl ictions that befall women’ and wish
to abandon their female form, will, upon hearing my name,
all be reborn as men. They will be endowed with noble
features and eventually realize Unsurpassed Supreme
Ninth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, I will help all sentient beings escape from
the demons’ net and free themselves from the bonds of
heretical paths.
“Should they be caught in the thicket of wrong views,
I will lead them to correct views, gradually inducing them
to cultivate the practices of Bodhisattvas and swiftly realize Supreme,
Perfect Enlightenment.
Tenth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life,, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, those sentient beings who are shackled,
beaten, imprisoned, condemned to death or otherwise
subjected to countless miseries and humiliations by royal
decree – and who are suff ering in body and mind from
this oppression – need only hear my name to be freed from
all these afflictions, thanks to the awesome power of my
merits and virtues.
Eleventh Great vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, if sentient beings who are tormented by
hunger and thirst – to the point of creating evil karma
in their attempts to survive – should succeed in hearing
my name, recite it single-mindedly and hold fast to it, I
will fi rst satisfy them with the most exquisite food and
drink. Ultimately, it is through the flavor of the Dharma
that I will establish them in the realm of peace and
Twelfth Great Vow
“I vow that in a future life, when I have attained Supreme
Enlightenment, if sentient beings who are utterly destitute,
lacking clothes to protect them from mosquitos and fl ies,
heat and cold – and are suff ering day and night – should
hear my name, recite it single-mindedly and hold fast to
it, their wishes will be fulfi lled. They will immediately
receive all manner of exquisite clothing, precious adornments, flower
garlands and incense powder, and will enjoy
music and entertainment to their heart's content.”
“Manjusri, these are the Twelve Sublime Vows made
by the World-Honored Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli
Radiance Tathagata, Arhat, the Perfectly Enlightened,
when he was cultivating the Bodhisattva path.
“Manjusri, as to these Great Vows made by the Medicine
Buddha while he was following the Bodhisattva path