[情報] 2017/9/6Wed by Daily Horoscope

作者: xul1021 (擋不住的魅力)   2017-09-05 11:47:28
Libra horoscope for Wednesday Sep 6
Because so much is riding on an upcoming venture, you may be filled with anxiety and afraid to take the next steps. You may worry that one wrong move will ruin everything, and so, in a sense, you are almost paralyzed. But there is no need to worry, Libra. Just use your common sense and ingenuity, and allow yourself to feel the desire and ambition you felt at the outset. Everything will be just fine - in fact, successful - if you move ahead with confidence.
作者: calvin770927 (貝克短)   2017-09-05 13:47:00
勇敢地站出來 把失去的要回來
作者: MullerLu1981 (阿賢)   2017-09-05 18:17:00
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2017-09-06 10:01:00
很鼓勵人啊!! venture n. 冒險,投機ingenuity n. 智巧,創造力

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