flied (libertines)
2014-07-04 18:04:26請問我要安裝叫talys的軟體
2.3 Verification
If TALYS is installed, testing the sample cases is the logical next step. The
samples/ directory contains
the script verify that runs all the test cases. Each sample case has its own
subdirectory, which contains
a subdirectory org/, where we stored the input files and our calculated
results, obtained with the Fu-
jitsu/Lahey v8.0 compiler on Linux Red Hat Enterprise 6. It also contains a
subdirectory new, where
we have stored the input files only and where the verify script will produce
your output files. A full
description of the keywords used in the input files is given in Chapter 6.
Section 7.3 describes all sample
cases in full detail. Note that under Linux/Unix, in each subdirectory a file
with differences with our
original output is created.
Should you encounter error messages upon running TALYS, like ’killed’ or ’
segmentation fault’,
then probably the memory of your processor is not large enough (i.e. smaller
than 256 Mb). Edit
talys.cmb and reduce the value of memorypar.
lee@lee-BM2320:~/talys/samples$ ./verify
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
probably the memory of your processor is not large enough
但我的電腦記憶體是4G 換另一台也是4G也碰到一樣問題
可否請問的這檔案要怎樣編輯才能reduce the value of memorypar.
c ********** Every local and global variable must be declared **********
implicit none
c ********** All parameters for the array dimensions are set ***********
c Consult the various subroutines for an explanation of the variables.
c To enable optimal calculations on computers of different size, we
c introduce the variable memorypar.
integer memorypar,numpar,numiso,numelem,numl,numlines,numenin,
+ numZ,numN,numZph,numNph,numbar,nummt,numgam,numrange,
+ numadj,numenadj,numlev,numisom,numflux,numfile,numlev2,
+ numrotcc,numgamqrpa,numTqrpa,numomp,numompadj,numjlm,
+ numrot,nummatchT,numdens,numdensracap,numen,numang,
+ numangcont,numexc,numconf,numJph,numparx,numfact,
+ numbins,numex,numJ,numenrec,numangrec,numendisc,numen2,
+ numenmsd,numJmsd,nummsd,numbinfis,numbeta,numhill,
+ numtrans,nummold,numgoe,numT,numcomp,numZchan,numNchan,
+ numin,numip,numid,numit,numih,numia,numchantot,nummass,
+ numA,numnu,numenlow,numtime,numen6
c Use memorypar=2 for 64 Mb RAM
c Use memorypar=5 for 256 (or more) Mb RAM
parameter (
+ memorypar=6,
c + memorypar=4,
+ numpar=6,
+ numiso=20,
+ numelem=110,
+ numl=60,
+ numlines=5000,
+ numenin=2000,
+ numZ=2+2*memorypar,
+ numN=10+4*memorypar,
+ numZph=4,
+ numNph=8,
+ numbar=3,
+ nummt=200,
+ numgam=6,
+ numrange=10,
+ numadj=500,
+ numenadj=1000,
c + numlev=3*memorypar*memorypar+2,
+ numlev=30,
+ numisom=10,
+ numflux=100,
+ numfile=100)