ian1996426 (Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan)
2014-06-20 11:04:01http://na.lolesports.com/articles/core-team-gambit-gaming-missing-lcs-london
Core Team of Gambit Gaming Missing LCS London
Gambit Gaming的核心成員將會缺席LCS倫敦週
My name is Jason “Riotjasonoliver” Yeh and I’m the Head of EU eSports and
the Riot Germany office. I’m working with fellow Rioters to bring the
excitement of the LCS to as many fans as possible across Europe outside of
the Cologne studio. I’m very disappointed to confirm that the core team of
Gambit Gaming will not be present at LCS London due to visa issues.
我是Jason “Riotjasonoliver” Yeh,歐洲區eSports和Riot德國辦公室的總負責人。
Typically, UK visa applications take 4-6 weeks to process from Russia. Gambit
Gaming was notified of LCS London near the end of the processing timeline.
Despite this tight deadline and in the face of unexpected complications, we
worked extensively with the team and did everything in our power to expedite
the process of obtaining visas. We also investigated alternative options such
as rescheduling or having Gambit play remotely from our Cologne studio.
Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons (e.g. security and connectivity
risks, unfairness to other teams) none of these alternative solutions proved
feasible. As a result, Gambit will be playing with 4 substitutes this weekend.
We’re truly sorry for this poor experience for Gambit Gaming and all the
fans. We really wanted the core of Gambit's roster to be with us in London.
We apologize for underestimating the difficulty Gambit Gaming would have in
attending the LCS London event. We wish that we had informed the teams sooner
about the roadshow so this would not have been an issue. Moving forward, we
will prepare all teams for potential roadshow locations as early as possible
in order to ensure such issues do not happen again.
對於Gambit Gaming和所有粉絲因這件事而有不佳的體驗,我們真的覺得很抱歉。我們
真的很希望Gambit的核心陣容能夠與我們在倫敦。我們為低估Gambit Gaming參加倫敦