wldon09 (重金搖滾草尼馬)
2015-05-09 07:57:33節錄一些賽後討論
[–]sasssoooo [分數隱藏] 34 minutes ago
taiwan has always been underrated, people called ahq's win vs edg at worlds a
fluke, and yoe beating sk an "upset". in reality, they haven't ever been
worse than na and eu at all lol (season 3 gama got skt and were boned,season
4 ahq got hardest group and tpa choked after good game 1).
[–]Khumalo_Neurochem [分數隱藏] 33 minutes ago
Crumbz did key on it, ahq just gets better as the tournament goes on. Tsm
doesn't seem to be making anywhere near the same level of adjustments.
[–]SkoutiOP [分數隱藏] 32 minutes ago
this one is for the people that though AHQ beating fnatic is an upset. :)
[–]iciale [分數隱藏] 26 minutes ago
Hell yeah, AHQ so underrated coming in. I hate to see the western teams
getting hit so hard, but so happy that AHQ is showing up again.
[–]SkoutiOP [分數隱藏] 22 minutes ago
I was chatting with my friends telling them AHQ will finish 3rd and they were
giving me so much shit.
Now they are silent.
[–]iciale [分數隱藏] 20 minutes ago
That's it, that's what i like to hear :)
[–]careslol [分數隱藏] 32 minutes ago
Taiwan has been underrated prior to S2 worlds. Taiwan has been still
underrated after TPA won S2.
[–]brodhi[Toxic Salt] (NA) [分數隱藏] 32 minutes ago
I think people view Taiwan as a weaker region because they have never
replicated their success since TPA. No Taiwanese team has came into Worlds
and shown such a mastery of the game and sheer skill of play that TPA showed
at S2 WC.
Taiwan is a strong region, they just have not showed up at Worlds for 2 years
in a row.
[–]iciale [分數隱藏] 30 minutes ago
They haven't been given the best chances to show up honestly imo. TPA choked
in groups last year yeah, but AHQ took a game from EDG in a hard as fuck
group for them to get out of. Gama Bears in s3 was meh because Taiwan only
got 1 worlds bid and it went to a team that wasn't probably the best in the
region, but performed an amazing loser's bracket gauntlet in regionals. Gama
Bears also had to face SKT too, further hurting chances to get anywhere lol
‧ [–]Blauwvinger [分數隱藏] 32 minutes ago
I would call group C harder than group A last Worlds, but you still make some
valid points. Most of it seems to just be AHQ being really strong though
[–]AnEternalSkeptic [分數隱藏] 31 minutes ago
People have been saying it since season 2 worlds my friend...
Taiwan shares many strengths with China - strong skirmish and team fight play
and good ad carry players. Biggest issue is their lack of rotation play which
really hampered their growth
[–]ErectNips6969 [分數隱藏] 31 minutes ago
I hear Taiwan did pretty good in Season 2 World Championship too!
[–]36105097 [分數隱藏] 30 minutes ago
At some point, people have to acknowledge that mechanics do matter alot.
[–]Nergral [分數隱藏] 27 minutes ago
making the LMS really really stepped up the level of play for those teams,
since the competition lvl wasnt nearly as close as it is right now, just look
at SEA right now struggling @ WC tournament... s3 SEA top teams were bad, s4
they were ok BUT they were slightly behind others (as it could've been seen
in their games , they wouldnt get shat on and it took quite an effort to win
against them but they mostly just didnt have enough to actually win)
自從LMS中的隊伍實力相近之後,LMS的水準進步很多。看看SEA賽區在WC tournament
[–]HULKHULK91 [分數隱藏] 26 minutes ago
I agree with you. Taiwan region is really underrated. Teams like AHQ, YOE or
TPA would be nr1 in Eu or NA
[–]InfiniteMaoi [分數隱藏] 26 minutes ago
My personal opinion is that LMS deserve 3 spots at worlds , from s3 till now
LMS as a region got rly strong and looks much much better than both EU and NA
. As an EU resident im quite sad about EUs games so far but this needs to be
"punished" by taking away 1 worlds spot for both EU and NA as a wake up call.
[–]NaexiQ [分數隱藏] 26 minutes ago
They aren't a bad region by any means but the power difference in the games
we've seen shouldn't be this big.
[–]oioioi9537 [分數隱藏] 26 minutes ago
Yeah, it seems as though since all stars last year, Taiwan has really stepped
up. im actually super impressed by ahq this tournament, i think greentea's
retirement and move to analyst helped them a lot
看來在去年的all star之後,台灣真的努力進步了。我真的對於ahq這次的表現印象深刻
[–]Divinicus1st [分數隱藏] 33 minutes ago
Hopefully, TSM is so far ahead of NA, NA chances have never been so high
[–]DystopiaX [分數隱藏] 32 minutes ago
it's sad that TSM is far and away the best team in NA and they get stomped by
asian teams this hard.
[–]Redhawk1230 [分數隱藏] 27 minutes ago
I just don't get it man, remember AHQ was the team that got bodyslammed by
EDG, that means EDG and SKT are just so ahead of the EU and NA teams now
since AHQ can convincily beat both of them.
Its the same rinse and repeat everyyear "asian teams so weak, NA can be a
contender for worlds"
[–]DystopiaX [分數隱藏] 25 minutes ago
EDG and SKT are far ahead of EU/NA teams, anyone who thought otherwise was
fooling themselves/didn't actually watch LCK/LPL at all.
That being said though I think EDG and SKT are ahead of their own regions by
a significant margin as well, part of the false hope business is that TSM
beat mid-tier Asian teams. So I think realistically TSM is around mid-tier if
they were to play in Korea/China.
[–]Redhawk1230 [分數隱藏] 18 minutes ago
Yeah, but i actually bought into the Tsm hype thinking they could take some
games or EDG/SKT
Not a really big tsm fan but boy even i was disappointed
[–]DystopiaX [分數隱藏] 16 minutes ago
I think people thought TSM were a lot better than they actually were because
they were playing against other NA teams, while EDG/SKT were playing against
China/KR teams. So you see TSM clean wins and stomps and EDG/SKT winning but
not much more convincingly than TSM and you think they have a chance, until
you realize that part of that is the leagues EDG/SKT are playing in are so
much better.
[–]PsykeSC [分數隱藏] 31 minutes ago
And it was the case during the season, but they have truly been playing
horrible so far in MSI.