全文 : http://tinyurl.com/7puwhuk 作者 : Jayson Stark
The booing of beleaguered Home Run Derby captain Robinson Cano finally had
faded by Tuesday afternoon. But the aftermath could cause Major League
Baseball to consider a new rule to include at least one hometown slugger in
future Home Run Derbies, commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday.
禮拜二下午, 噓聲們群起圍攻在全壘打大賽擔任隊長的 Robinson Cano.
但這樣的後果可能會讓美國職棒大聯盟考慮制訂一項新的規則 -
至少地主會一個強打者參加全壘打大賽 , 執行長 Bud " Sucks " Selig 周二表示
The booing of Cano was inspired by his failure to pick Kansas City All-Star
Billy Butler for the Derby after pledging earlier this month to include a
Royal. Last year's National League captain, Prince Fielder, received similar
treatment in Phoenix for not picking Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Justin
卡諾被噓是因為他沒有挑選 堪薩斯皇家隊 的明星球員 Billy Butler 參與全壘打大賽。
去年國家聯盟的隊長, Prince Fielder , 也因為同樣的原因 -
沒有挑選來自 鳳凰城 亞利桑那響尾蛇 的外野手 Justin Upton被噓爆了。
So Selig conceded those displays of "hometown loyalty" could spark changes to
head off similar outbursts in future Derbies.
因此,賽理格承認 "家鄉的忠誠度 "能夠在未來的全壘打大賽中改變這樣子的行為,
"We'll talk about this (potential rule change)," Selig said during his annual
session with the Baseball Writers Association of America. "While I understand
(the feelings of fans in) Kansas City ... I felt very badly last night. I
felt badly last year for Prince. This was tough."
" 我們都在談論有關這個 ( 潛在規則的更改 ) " 賽理格在和 棒球美國 的作家協會的年
" 雖然我了解堪撒斯 ( 球迷的感受 ) ...... 但我昨晚感覺非常差勁。
去年 Prince 的處境我也同樣覺得很糟糕。這真的很艱難。
When another questioner observed the heat