andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)
2013-01-12 08:40:30Milton Bradley facing up to 13 years in prison from spousal abuse charges
The City Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Bradley stemming from 5
different incidents. The charges break down like this: 4 counts of spousal
battery, 4 counts of criminal threats, 2 counts of assault with a deadly
weapon, 2 counts of vandalism and 1 count of dissuading a witness from making
a report.
As TMZ first reported, Milton’s wife Monique filed a domestic violence
report with the LAPD back in November 2012 … claiming he tried to choke her,
with 2 hands, when she asked him to stop smoking marijuana in front of their
kids. Bradley was arrested in August 2011 for allegedly attacking Monique
with a bat, and in March 2012 he allegedly threatened her with a knife and
said, “You’ll be dead bitch before you divorce me.”