beckseaton (沒有é‹å‹•æœƒæ»)
2013-03-14 05:37:33http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE1ADwbo5Ls&feature=player_embedded
If you watch one more Harlem Shake video, we recommend the Indians version
I know, I know: You're sick of the Harlem Shake by now. It's jumped the shark
to the point of it being Billboard's No. 1 song in the country for several
weeks in a row.
That being said, if you can find it within yourself to watch just one more, I
highly recommend it be that of the Cleveland Indians. Not only does it
include manager Terry Francona performing a spectacular rump-shaking intro
dance, but the second half also features some of the most impressive devotion
to strange costumes and general insanity I've yet seen, from an MLB team or