Yes, the Houston Astros have the smallest payroll in baseball. Yes, A-Rod
will make more than their entire team this season. Yes, they're likely to
lose the most games in 2013 (again).
太空人本季薪資比A-Rod還少 而他們也很有可能再次墊底
And no, owner Jim Crane, doesn't plan on ponying up any more cash to appease
fans upset at the team's frugal $25 million roster. In fact, he told the Wall
Street Journal:
"It doesn't bother me that people want us to spend more money," Crane
said. "But it's not their money. This is a private company, even though it's
got a public flair to it. If they want to write a check for 10 million bucks,
they can give me a call."
Crane: 我不在意別人要我們多花錢 但這些錢不是他們的錢 這是私人公司
如果他們想樂捐千萬 他們可以打電話給我