Matt Harvey's Nearly Perfect Outing
Matt Harvey placed an exclamation point on his excellent start to the season
Tuesday night with 9 one-hit innings,let's take a look at how he's doing it
with a slant towards the visual.
Harvey is one of the hardest throwing starters in the league on a typical night
,and he had a little extra on his stuff against the WhiteSox,averaging over
95 miles per hour on his fastball.I've captured,stabilized and overlaid a
selection of his primary pitches below.
While the curve in this group is a little errant,you can see the sharp action
off a similar trajectory of his other offerings.Harvey gets good use out of
his changeup and curveball, particularly against lefties,but it's the mid-90s
fastball and hard slider that have been his best tools.Here is a focused view
of those two offerings.
You can see why he leads the NL in swinging strike percentage.As good as his
stuff is,Harvey did have questions for his 2013 outlook coming into the year.
As rookie pitchers have been known to do,he walked 26 batters in 59 1/3 innings
throughout the 2012 season.Harvey has kept the walks in check this season,down
to 12 in 48 1/3 innings including making it through the WhiteSox without
issuing a free pass.
As an experiment I thought I'd try to compliment the available PITCHf/x data
with a visual look at his command during last night's game.I have stabilized
footage of the first 11 fastballs to reach catcher John Buck,using Buck's
target as a focal point.With a small sample size,lack of reference and without
knowledge of Harvey's true target I stress this is merely an experiment.
Finally,I will leave you with a sampling of last night's strikeout pitch
sequences.Here is Alexei Ramirez.
Pujols5 (Albert Pujols)
2013-05-09 12:16:00是不是到Major這層級 出手點跟動作本來就不會差太多?
nickyang (肌腱炎者少打字)
2013-05-09 12:19:00這種圖本來就超無聊的,你比比BP的release point就知道了何況再怎麼好的投手一場比賽出手點也是上上下下,光拿幾顆球出來做圖很沒意義
nickyang (肌腱炎者少打字)
2013-05-09 12:20:00就拿V中、達爾、Harveys這幾個,再隨手抓幾個投手比出手點variance,差不了多少的
nickyang (肌腱炎者少打字)
2013-05-09 12:22:00拿高速攝影機放慢動作還有點sense,這GIF才幾張圖一秒...
Pujols5 (Albert Pujols)
2013-05-09 12:26:00速球跟變化球動作不一樣的強投 印象中也只聽過Koufax
古巴系列一堆出手點亂飄的XDD 不過這些是刻意為之
searoar (æš—å‘大豆)
2013-05-09 12:29:00原來這種圖是要看出手點
其實不要講大聯盟 投球姿勢或出手點差異太大的投手本來就很難在任何一個職棒生存
uranusjr (â†é€™äººæ˜¯è¶…級笨蛋)
2013-05-09 13:29:00棒球投手的出手時間差是用 microsecond 當單位的, 能打到
uranusjr (â†é€™äººæ˜¯è¶…級笨蛋)
2013-05-09 13:30:00大聯盟一定要有基本的控球, 出手點差異肉眼根本看不出來
作者: funlala1102 (.....) 2013-05-09 14:19:00
他一定是偷把鼻血塗在球上才能投1 hit shut out
Homura (虎斑街貓˙Rebirth)
2013-05-09 18:07:00XDD
作者: mightymouse (翻墮羅流大師) 2013-05-09 19:07:00
作者: mightymouse (翻墮羅流大師) 2013-05-09 19:08:00
Tiant那真的太扯了 不過他每種投球姿勢都可以投出品質
Harvey這年輕人投球真的很輕鬆 真是天賦異稟!!
q224222 (風æµåŠ)
2013-05-10 00:37:00路意提昂那個太好笑了XDD