GuoShong (Go dutch!)
2013-06-28 21:28:33※ [本文轉錄自 Pirates 看板 #1HpOkq87 ]
作者: GuoShong (Go dutch!) 看板: Pirates
標題: [翻譯] The Historically Dreadful Pirates
時間: Fri Jun 28 21:12:17 2013
Everyone agrees that there are good stories in baseball. When it comes to
deciding what counts as a good story, though, there are as many definitions
as there are people who care to have one. Yet as far as the 2013 Pittsburgh
Pirates are concerned, the majority are on the same page. The last time the
Pirates finished at least .500 was 1992, and they were eliminated from the
playoffs on October 14. Two days later, Bryce Harper was born. Now, the
Pirates are tied with the Cardinals for the best record in baseball right
around the midpoint, and though the Pirates might not be baseball’s best
team, they’re well on their way to finishing .500 and then some. One of the
keys to enjoying baseball is freshness, and the Pirates’ success feels
fresh. They’re a fun team to support and an easy team to bandwagon.
當年他們在十月十四號在季後賽被淘汰。兩天後Bryce Harper出生。現在,海盜隊和紅
However, while on the surface everything’s peaches, the team success has
hidden a team weakness of historical significance. And this doesn’t have
anything to do with the fact that Clint Barmes just can’t hit, even though,
yeah, he can’t hit. There’s something the Pirates have done worse than
anyone else. And I don’t just mean anyone else this season. I mean anyone
else at least since Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. There’s
something at which the Pirates have been historically dreadful.
點。啊,這跟Clint Barmes不會打擊沒關係,雖然說他,啊唷,就是不會打擊啦。有一
件事海盜做的比大家都還要差,而且我說的並不只是這一季,而是從Jackie Robinson以
Remember Gerrit Cole‘s big-league debut? You do if you root for the Pirates.
Even if you don’t root for the Pirates, you probably read about it. Cole
faced off against Tim Lincecum, and when Cole departed in the seventh, his
team was up 5-1. But before that, in the bottom of the second, Cole batted
with the bases loaded and singled home a pair of runs. That was incredible,
given the Gerrit Cole context. And that was also incredible given the
Pittsburgh Pirates context.
你還記得Gerrit Cole的大聯盟初登板嗎?如果你是海盜迷你當然記得,就算你不是你也
Because that was a hit for a Pirates pitcher. There haven’t been many of
them. There have been 11, to be precise, and it’s almost July. Pirates
pitchers have batted 159 times, and I’ll present to you some numbers:
.077 batting average
.097 on-base percentage
.077 slugging percentage
.081 wOBA
-60 wRC+
I used the FanGraphs leaderboards to examine the window between 1947-2013,
splitting up individual team seasons. I isolated pitchers hitting, then I set
a plate-appearance minimum of 100 to eliminate more recent American League
teams with little sample sizes. I was left with a pool totaling 1,043. Here’
s where the 2013 Pirates pitchers rank in various statistical categories:
Batting average: last
On-base percentage: last
Slugging percentage: last
Isolated slugging: last
wOBA: last
wRC+: last
Out of all of the pitching staffs, only this year’s Pirates have an ISO of
.000. Every other pitching staff had at least one extra-base hit, although it
’s worth noting that the second-lowest ISO was posted by the 2012 Pirates. It
’s also worth noting that the season is only half over, but the Pirates have
been awful in this department, and it’s not even all that close.
Not only do these Pirates pitchers have the worst-ever wRC+; they’ve
protected their position with walls and a moat and hot oil. Here are the
worst staffs, at batting:
2013 Pirates, -60 wRC+
2006 Brewers, -49
2001 Mets, -44
1998 Reds, -43
2003 Reds, -42
That’s an 11-point lead, or anti-lead, depending. The Pirates have a
22-point lead over the next-worst team from this season. That team, as it
happens, is the Cardinals, and while one could write about their pitchers
hitting, too, it’s the Pirates who demand the most attention.
Pirates pitchers this year have hit worse than American League pitchers. They
have, to their collective name, three walks and 66 strikeouts. Undoubtedly a
contributing factor is that they’re simply opposed to swinging. We’ve only
got plate-discipline data here going back to 2002, but since 2002, these
Pirates pitchers have the lowest combined swing rate, at 38%. We find the
2008 Marlins pitchers just above 39%. Now, Brett Gardner has a career swing
rate of 35%, so that’s not unprecedented, but Gardner has a good eye and a
good swing, and the Pirates pitchers have neither. They’ve swung at just
over 30% of balls, and they’ve swung at just over 40% of strikes. They don’
t swing, because they can’t swing, but both approaches just lead them to
馬林魚投手群也只超過39%而已。Brett Gardner生涯的揮棒率只有35%,所以說海盜並
It’s not all bad. James McDonald has reached four times out of 12. But it’s
mostly bad. Jeff Locke is 1-for-26, with ten strikeouts. A.J. Burnett is
1-for-27, with 17 strikeouts. Pitcher hitting, of course, isn’t ever going
to win or lose a pennant, and pitchers are selected on how well they can
pitch, but Pirates pitchers have a -1.0 WAR as hitters. The Brewers and Cubs
are at +0.7. It doesn’t not make any difference, which makes it worth
observing, and when you observe these Pirates, your eyebrows shoot to your
也是有例外啦。James McDonald今年12次打擊,上壘4次。不過大部分都蠻差的。Jeff
I’ve prepared a few .gifs of what I consider to be “remarkable” Pirates
pitcher hits. There weren’t many to choose from. Interestingly, FanGraphs
credits them with 11 hits, while Baseball-Reference credits them with ten.
This is because, one time, in the ninth inning with a short bench, Wandy
Rodriguez pinch-hit and singled. Because Rodriguez didn’t do so as a
pitcher, technically, he doesn’t count for BR’s purposes. But because
Rodriguez is a pitcher normally, he counts for FG purposes. So there’s some
disagreement over just how bad this group has been, and I could’ve made them
look even worse had I wanted to.
Here, we see Cole picking up his two-run single against Lincecum:
Here’s reliever Bryan Morris singling against Alfredo Simon to lead off a
seventh inning for some reason:
這是在某種原因之下,後援投手Bryan Morris在第七局開路打的安打。
Here’s James McDonald picking up two hits against Cliff Lee in the same game:
這是同一場比賽中,James McDonald打了Cliff Lee的兩支安打。
Here’s Wandy Rodriguez pinch-hitting:
And, finally, it’s A.J. Burnett’s one hit, which he couldn’t find off the
A.J. Burnett has one hit this season. Had Jason Heyward been paying
attention, he could’ve thrown Burnett out at first, because for a few
seconds Burnett lost the baseball and assumed it was foul. When Burnett got
to first, he wasn’t happy with himself, meaning his one success was ruined.
Burnett, at least, has 12 extra-base hits and three homers at the plate in
his career, all having come as a Marlin. Since those days ended he’s hit
.057. Burnett does one thing well. It’s a good thing he does.
The Pirates, right now, don’t have sole possession of first place. Not that
anyone can rightfully complain. Usually, when a team is just missing
something, fans lament a particular blown save or something along those
lines. “If Closer X didn’t blow Save Y, then this team would be in Position
Z.” If Jason Grilli didn’t blow a save on June 19, maybe the Pirates right
now would have the best record in baseball. And maybe the Pirates right now
would have the best record in baseball if they didn’t have the worst-hitting
pitchers in modern baseball history. If one of those arguments is valid, then
so are they both.