[外電] 2010-2019 十大交易案 part 3

作者: lukemarley (sttud)   2020-01-21 23:37:42
3. The Royals make the right trade for their ace
Dec. 19, 2010: Royals trade P Zack Greinke and IF Yuniesky Betancourt to
Brewers for OF Lorenzo Cain, P Jake Odorizzi, P Jeremy Jeffress and SS
Alcides Escobar
What even?
The Brewers, coming off a 77-85 season and knowing that Prince Fielder was
headed into his final season before free agency, decided that 2011 was a
go-for-it year, having earlier traded Brett Lawrie for starter Shaun Marcum
to join incumbent starters Yovani Gallardo and Randy Wolf. Adding Greinke
gave them what was considered a strong top four.
Greinke had debuted with the Royals at age 20 in 2004, and after a few false
starts, had blossomed into an ace, winning the 2009 AL Cy Young Award by
posting a 2.16 ERA in 229 1/3 innings. But the Royals had been a losing team
every year he was there, and he had reportedly asked the team for a trade to
a contender. He'd earlier refused to waive his no-trade clause to allow a
move to the Nationals before relenting for Milwaukee.
3. Zach Greinke 交易案
釀酒人獲得:Zack Greinke, Yuniesky Betancourt
皇家獲得:Lorenzo Cain, Jake Odorizzi, Jeremy Jeffress, Alcides Escobar
釀酒人剛結束一個77勝85敗的失望球季。他們雖然有Ryan Braun、Prince
Fielder、Rickie Weeks三大強打坐鎮打線,全隊野手累積的30 FWAR 為國聯第二,僅次
於紅人的35.7。但先發投手合計只繳出5.6 FWAR的淒慘成績,排名國聯倒數第二。考量到
Prince Fielder即將在2011年球季結束後變成FA,釀酒人決定拚一把。Greinke加入原先就
在陣中的Yovani Gallardo、Randy Wolf還有剛用Brett Lawrie換來的Shaun Marcum組成
2008年的CC Sabathia一樣,帶領他們重返季後賽。
2004年球季,Greinke 以20歲之姿時登上大聯盟,他的生涯發展軌跡跟前輩Roy
Halladay和Cliff Lee相似,都是經過一段撞牆期後才大爆發成為球隊王牌。2009年的
Greinke主投229.1局,交出驚人的2.16 ERA/2.33 FIP/8.7FWAR表現,一舉奪下美聯賽揚
獎。2010年球季他的投球表現依然優秀(220局 4.17 ERA/3.34FIP/4.9 FWAR),但皇家
在2004-2010年勝率一直在四成左右徘徊, Greinke終於向皇家要求把他交易到有季後賽實
Were the takes good or bad?
No one liked this for the Royals. Sensing a theme? The return for Kansas City
was "OK, not great," wrote this particular author. "If that was the best they
could do, should have waited." One prominent Royals blog flatly stated, "I
don't like the trade." At FanGraphs, it was: "My first reaction to the
package coming to Kansas City was: Really, that’s it?" It was more favorable
for Milwaukee; ESPN's Keith Law wrote that if you make a trade like this,
"you do it for an impact player who dramatically increases your chances to
reach or advance in the postseason in the upcoming season."
Greinke身上還有兩年的合約,合約總值34 M以一個賽揚強投來說相當划算,所
Royalsview寫手Jeff Zimmerman寫道:「我不喜歡這個交易。(註1)」Fangraphs作家
Marc Hulet寫道:「看到完整的交易包裹後,我的第一個反應是:『蛤?真的就只有這樣
?釀酒人還滿賺的。』」Kieth Law則是在文章中提到:「如果補強需要榨乾你原本就不
Alcides Escobar曾在2009年時被評為全美第八的新秀,他的游擊區防守非常優
他的WRC+只有62,沒有任何power(純長打率ISO .091),跑速雖快但極低的上壘率限制了
他在壘間的破壞力(OBP .288、BB% 6.4%);Lorenzo Cain也是一個防守優異但沒什麼打
擊潛力的中外野手;Odorizzi 的評價很不錯,但還在1A磨練的他至少還要三年才能登上大
聯盟;Jeffress 有頂尖的速球,但是他尚未練出穩定的變化球種,並且他因為使用大麻被
個franchise player,卻只換到一批有明顯缺點的新秀。」
註1:Jeff Zimmerman當時寫了一段很難聽的評論:" I don't like the trade.
Dayton seems to just trying to trade for pieces to fill in his needs.”
翻譯:「我不喜歡這個交易,感覺我們的GM Dayton Moore沒有索取最好的天賦,而是想
註2:我在翻譯Kieth Law寫的這個段落覺得有點奇怪,所以就去找了他的原文。結果驚喜
的發現文章開放給免費仔閱讀的部分還滿多的。他是寫說:”If you're going to gut
your farm system
作者: Roshiel (Roshiel)   2020-01-21 23:49:00
推推,MLB的交易無論事前 事後來看,都真的很有趣
作者: jimmy0223123 (電擊獅123)   2020-01-21 23:53:00
作者: ateng (過敏人生)   2020-01-22 00:02:00
作者: mark0918 (齊哥)   2020-01-22 00:17:00
作者: jarrodqq896 (傑洛德羅巴)   2020-01-22 00:17:00
推 不過第三段翻譯有誤 是NLCS非NLDS
作者: nangaluchen (安安)   2020-01-22 00:35:00
現在來看釀酒人還是很賺 皇家也不虧
作者: blacklittle (傻黑)   2020-01-22 00:50:00
推! 不過Escobar的ISO應該是0.091吧? 0.91有點猛 lol
作者: TRosenthal (DavidFreese)   2020-01-22 00:55:00
作者: phoenix286 (糰子大家族)   2020-01-22 00:56:00
Segura 2016 是被交易到魯蛇吧
作者: n61208 (Kershaw)   2020-01-22 01:03:00
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2020-01-22 01:05:00
目前介紹的三筆 回頭來看都雙贏
作者: asd831129 (SBP)   2020-01-22 02:05:00
作者: mej42530 (1714PeiWJ)   2020-01-22 03:05:00
作者: scotch345   2020-01-22 03:14:00
作者: lipsred1006 (唇紅)   2020-01-22 03:33:00
作者: lanver1220 (面臨絕種的小熊迷)   2020-01-22 06:51:00
作者: jemc1905 (karma)   2020-01-22 07:20:00
作者: marty7976 (勇樣)   2020-01-22 07:51:00
作者: mayday91128 (遠野貴樹)   2020-01-22 08:17:00
作者: lukemarley (sttud)   2020-01-22 09:01:00
作者: YU0158 (迷你玉™)   2020-01-22 09:37:00
作者: amen123 (媽我念大學是要做什麼)   2020-01-22 10:09:00
作者: ryuke (no holidays)   2020-01-22 11:11:00
作者: whhw (人有羞恥馬無所謂)   2020-01-22 12:29:00
作者: amo0717 (Amo)   2020-01-22 14:19:00
推 辛苦了
作者: alex8725 (近鉄バファローズ魂不滅)   2020-01-22 18:56:00
事後來看皇家真的賺 但酒鬼也不虧意外的是Jefferess後來還回到酒鬼復活
作者: lukemarley (sttud)   2020-01-22 19:05:00
作者: feather7589   2020-01-24 10:13:00

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