推 juniorpenny :MJ對其他隊友與老史之間,有過離間? 11/23 23:50
我去找了網路上的紀錄, 以下內容是一位爵士隊球迷的部落格摘取了SI雜誌在
下面是我自己做的翻譯, 如果有翻譯錯誤的地方請大家不吝指正...
April 14, 2003 / SI:
The NBA’s alltime assist leader [John Stockton] may be getting a push out
the door by his new backup this season and the No. 2 man on the career assist
list, 38-year-old Mark Jackson. Three members of the Jazz organization now
understand why Jackson has been traded seven times in his 16-year career:
They say that over a period of weeks, he succeeded in turning several
teammates against Stockton by repeatedly remarking that those players would
be better off if Jackson were the Jazz’s floor leader. Other players rallied
around Stockton, who, because of his quiet nature, was vulnerable to the
locker room politicking. The rift on the Jazz was mended, though not before
Stockton’s pride had been wounded. “There was no question it hurt John,
because you could see him withdraw,” says a high-ranking team official. “
But he’ll never talk about it, just as he won’t talk about injuries,
because then he feels like he’s making excuses for himself.”
NBA史上第一的助攻王John Stockton本季可能將會被他的新任替補隊友, 同時也是助
攻榜史排行第2的38歲球員Mark Jackson趕出球隊. 至少三名爵士隊友現在終於明白為何
Jackson在他16年的球員生涯中居然被交易了7次之多. 他們爆料在幾周內Jackson藉由不
斷告知隊友們當他成為球隊的領導者後他承諾這些球員們的處境將會好轉, 並成功的離間
數人反抗Stockton. 儘管Stockton他個人寡言的特質使他容易受到更衣室新領袖挑戰,
其他的球員們仍舊支持Stockton. 分裂已經癒合, 但Stockton所受的傷害卻無法消除.
不具名的球團高層透露:"毫無疑問地這傷害了John, 你看到了他的退讓. 但他也絕口
不提此事, 就如同他從不為他的(運動)傷勢做任何辯駁一般, 他認為這樣做是在為自己找
Sloan reached a breaking point in mid-January, when he lost his temper over
the divisiveness on his team and stormed out of the gym during practice. He
was threatening to retire then and there, only to be dissuaded at an
emergency meeting called by team owner Larry Miller, president Dennis Haslam,
general manager Kevin O’Connor and Sloan’s wife, Bobbye. “That had the
real potential of Jerry saying, ‘To heck with it,’ and walking away,” says
Miller, who believes that Sloan’s seven-game suspension for shoving referee
Courtney Kirkland on Jan. 28 was the result of his built-up frustrations.
Sloan教練在一月中對於球隊分裂的事情終於忍無可忍, 在一次球隊的練習中爆發並奪
門而出.他放話威脅要退休,直到球團老闆Larry Miller,總裁Dennis Haslam, GM Kevin
O’Connor以及Sloan妻子等人緊急召開會議慰留Sloan才改變心意. 老闆Miller表示:
"Jerry(Sloan的名字)只是想說:'我受夠了, 管他去死'.", 而Miller認為Sloan心中累積
的不滿導致了03年1月28日那場與裁判Courtney Kirkland的衝突, 並因此被禁賽七場.