課程名稱: 外交決策分析
課程性質: 必修
開課教師: 黃奎博
開課學院: 國際事務
開課系級: 外交三
考試日期(年月日): 2012/11/22
考試時限(Mins): 110 Min
附註: Only international students can answer in English or Chinese
1.( ) which of the following statements doesn't fit in with G. Allison and P.
Zelikow's rational actor model?
1. A decrease in the perceived costs of an alternative increases the
likelihood of that action being chosen;
2. An increase in the perceived costs of an alternative reduces the
likelihood of that action being chosen
3. The fundamental method employed is "vicarious problem solving";
4. Action is chosen in response to the vested interest associated with
administrative feasibility.
2.( ) which of the following statements about coalition decision making is
inaccurate or inappropriate?
1. There can be some level of bargaining and leverage between relatively
independent actors;
2. If no rules dictate that unanimity is reduced for the coalition to
reach a decision, the coalition will tend toward the unit veto
3. The minimum-winning coalition is generally not interested in includin
more parties than necessary
4. Alex Mintz thinks the Isreli Cabinet often provides a good example of
the effect of political coalition on foreign policy decision making.
3.( ) Although in the months before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 U.N.
weapon inspectors reported thatr they didn't find evidence of weapons of
nass destruction in Iraq, the Bush administration tended to ignore the
fact and still planned to invades Iraq. This can be best seen as a
decision making bias of
1. preference over preference
2. turf battles
3. shooting from the hip
4. overestimation
4.( ) Which of the following statement has little to do with normative ration-
1. Normative rationality starts with situation that requires a decision
2. The quality of the process is related to the quality of the decision
3. Leaders define the situation, establish their goals, investigate
their options, weigh the consequence of their options, and make a
decision that achieves the goal best and at the lowest cost
4. Normative rationality finishes with a decision
5.( ) Reasonable officals, faced with limited time and pushed by antagonistic
group behavior, are forced to argue much more confidently than they
would if they were detached judges. They internalize, often
unconsciously, the demands made upon them by the game. This is called
1. The 51-49 principle
2. The where-you-stand-depends-on-where-you-sit mentality
3. the ad hoc principle
4. the catch 22 syndrome
6.( ) The selection of the first alternative that meets an acceptability
(that is, that meets the condition for bounded rationality) is
1. cybernetic
2. satisficing
3. of polythink
4. utility maximization
According to D. Kahneman and A. Tversky,____________ maintains that people are
risk averse with respect to gains and risk-acceptant with respect to losses
1. Action-channels
2. Groupthink
3. Framing effect in decision making
4. Poliheuristic decision making
1. How has the rationality actor model applied to the study of international
relations? Please answer this question by the two paradigms: classical
realism and international institutionalism. (20%)
2. In G. Allison and P. Zelikow's Organization Behavior Model, what is the
basic unit of analysis? (5%) Why do they contend that organizational
implementation reflects previously established routines? (20%) How do they
view long-range foreign policy planning, particularly in the United State?