[試題] 1021 洪順慶 品牌經營策略 期末考

作者: gn02531643 (gn02531643)   2014-07-06 14:41:04
This is a paper-and-pen test. No internet access or books are allowed during the test.
Describe a brand which you are most familiar with or your favorite wuthun 100 words.
The brand has to be different from the one you described in the midterm. Then, answer the following questions.
1. How effectively has the brand mixed and matched all the matched all the marketing communication tools? Has it capotalized on the strengths
of different media and compensated for their weaknesses at the same time?
2. Evaluate how the brand leverages secondary associations? Suggest any ways that the brand can more effectively leverage secondary brand associaions?
3. Use the brand extension model presented in Chapter 12 to evaluate this brand's ability to achieve its own equity and contribute to the
equity of the parent brand. If you were the manager of this brand, how would you do brand extension differently?
4. Assess the brand's efforts to manage brand equity for the last three years. What actions has it taken to be innovative and relevant? Suggest
any other changes to its marketing program.
5. What has the brand done for CSR and sustainability? Suggest to enhance CSR and sustainability.

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