試題 :
問答題:(100points, each question worth 10 points). Note that some questions have more than one parts. All answers are to be written in a concise manner.
1. We have learned that fungi are considered the second most diverse taxonomic group of eukaryotic organisms, with the species number only next to insects. There are 1.5 million species of fungi in the estimate made by D.L.Hawksworth. What is the basis for this estimate? Do you consider whether or not this number is fairy conservative, not reflecting the diversity of fungi? Write down your justification.
2. Draw a gerneralized lifecycle of heterothalic ascomycetes and that of heterothallic basidiomycetes. Be sure to indicate: (i)where plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis occur; (ii)ploidy (haploid, diploid, dikaryon) in the lifecycles; and (iii)major different between the two lifecycles.
3. Amanita muscaria, a hallucinogenic mushroom, has been used a lot to demonstrate various parts of an agaric basidiomata. Draw a diagram of the basidioma and indicate the different parts, such as cap, stipe, etc.
4. Various groups of fungi are able to form symbiotic relationships with organisms that are not fungi, such as plants, algae, insects, etc. Give an example of symbiosis where fungi are envoled. Be sure to specify the symbiotic partners, to describe how the symbiotic partner react, and to explain why the involved organisms are considered forming a symbiotic rrelationship.
5. The life cycle of wheat stem rust Puccinia graminis is macrocyclic, characterized by having spores states 0, I, II, and IV. Draw a gernerized life cucle for this fungus. Be sure to indicate in the life cycle where plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis occur, to point out the spore ststes, and to indicate ploidy (hapoid, diploid, dikaryon).
6. What are the two major types of wood decay that we learned in the class? Contrast the differences between the two types of wood decay, e.g., what components of wood are removed, properties of decayed wood, etc.
7. It is of primary importance to observe conidiogenesis of hyphomycetes in order to identify them. Conidia of hyphomycetes can be developed in thallic and blastic modes, each of which is further divided into several specific modes. Pick five of these specific modes of your choice and draw diagram to explain how conidia are developed in each of these five modes of conidiogenesis.
8. In a basidiomycete where thw mating system has the property of homogenic incompatiability ans is controlled by two loci, A and B. The fungus is known to be clampless and monokartotic before pairing. When two fuuly compatiable nobokaruons are paired, dikaryons with clamp connection are formed. Describe the scenarios when two paired monokaryons are partually compatiable. In other words, the paired monokaryons are compatiable either at A locus only or at Blocus only. Be sure to indicate in each scenario
how nuclei behave, whethwe or not clapm connection are formed, etc.
9. How the fungi defined? The definition should be able to set fungi apart from bacteria, plants, and animals.
10. Write down a meaningful question concerning Basidiomycota. Then try to answer the question that you write down seriously. Note that this is a 10-point question and that you should not make the question as easy as 123.