[試題] 95上 周承復 系統效能評估 期中考

作者: rod24574575 (天然呆)   2015-03-25 01:42:32
試題 :
Mid-term Exam. 11/14/2006
1. Let 12 f_n - 11 f_(n-1) + 2 f_(n-2) = (1/2)^n, n=2,3,4,…. And f_0 = 0,
f_1 = 4. Please find out fn, n=0,1,2,….
2. Please prove the PASTA, i.e,. Poisson arrivals see the system as it is
(averaged over all time).
3. Please prove that for an exponential distribution, it has Markov property
or it is memoryless.
4. Consider a Poisson process {N(t), t ≧ 0} having rate λ, and suppose that
each time an event occurs it is classified as either a type I or a type II.
Suppose further that each event is classified as a type I event with
probability p and a type II event with probability (1-p) independently of
all other events. Prove type I process, {N_1(t), t ≧ 0 } and type II
process {N_2(t), t ≧ 0} are both Poisson processes having rates λp and
λ(1-p) respectively.
5. Consider a model of telephone switching system consisting of n trunks with
a finite caller population of M callers and n < M. The average call rate of
an idle caller is λ calls per unit time, and the average holding time of a
call is 1/μ. If an arriving call finds all trunks busy, it is lost.
Assuming that call holding times and the inter-call times of each caller
are exponentially distributed. Find
a. A: the expected total traffic offered by the M sources per holding time.
b. C: the expected total traffic carried by the switching system per
holding time.
c. B: the call congestion probability or the probability that a call is
6. Consider a single processor with an infinite waiting room. Customer arrivals
are assumed to be Poisson with rate λ and service times are exponentially
distributed with expectation 1/μ. Suppose that the processor fails at rate
γ and, when failed, all of the customers in the system are assumed to be
lost. The failed processor is fixed at an exponential rate of α. Please
draw the state transition diagram and find the probability that there are i
customers in the system.
7. Suppose we are told that exactly one job of a Poisson process with rate λ
has submitted to our computer system by time t, please determine the
distribution of the time at which the job is submitted.
8. Consider a system with two computers. Two jobs: a and b are submitted to
that system simultaneously. Job a and b are assigned directly to each
computer. What is the probability that job a is still in a system after
job b finished when the service time is exponential with mean 1/μ for job
a and the service time is exponential with mean 1/λ for job b?
9. Consider the failures of a link in a communication network. Failures occur
according to a Poisson process with rate 4.8 per day. Find
(i) P[time between failures ≦ 10 days]
(ii) P[5 failures in 20 days]
(iii) Expected time between two consecutive failures.
(iv) P [0 failures in next day]
(v) Suppose 12 hours have elapsed since the last failure. Then, find the
expected time to next failure.

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