[試題] 103下 林太家 偏微分方程式二 Test3

作者: t0444564 (艾利歐)   2015-06-05 15:00:29
試題 :
              Test 3                  6/02/2015
1. 20%
 Assume U is connected. Use (a) energy methods and (b) the meaximum principle
 to show that the only smooth solution of the Neumann boundary-value problem
               / -Δu = 0 in U
               \ ∂u/∂n = 0 on ∂U
 are u≡constant.
2. 20%       1
 (20 pts) Let u∈H(B1) be a single-valued function, where B1 is the unit ball
   2       0
 in R with center at origin. Which of the following statements is (are) true?
 (A) There exists a positive constant C independent of u such that
                 2       2
               ∫u dx ≦ C ∫(u_r)dx.
               B1     B1
 (B) No such a constant C exists.
 Here (r,θ) is the polar corrdinate and u_r is the associated partial
 derivative. Find and justify your answer.
3. 20%
                 n  ij
             Lu = -Σ (a u_xi)_xj + cu.
 Prove that there exists a constant μ > 0 such that the corresponding
 bilinear form B[,] satisfies the hypotheses of the Lax-Milgram Theorem,
             c(x) ≧ -μ (x∈U).
4. 20%  1 n
 Let u∈H (R ) have compact support and be a weak solution of the semilinear
 PDE                      n
      2 n       -Δu + c(u) = f in R ,
 where f∈L(R ) and c:R→R is smooth, with c(0) = 0 and c'≧0.
      2 n
 Prove u∈H (R ).
5. 20%    1
 Assume u∈H (U) is abounded weak solution of
             n  ij
            -Σ (a u_xi)_xj = 0 in U.
 Let ψ:R→R be convex and smooth, and set w = ψ(u). Show w is a weak
 subsolution; that is,
       1         B[w,v] ≦ 0
 for all v∈H (U), v≧0.

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