Qdream (里長)
2015-06-21 15:14:11課程名稱︰浪漫時期英國文學
考試時限(分鐘):15:30-18:00 (期中到17:30,本次特地延長半小時)
試題 :
其實老師在考前都會寄一份Study Guide,裡頭就有申論題的題目,都是五選三
Short explication questions (25%). Choose five texts from a list (with some
choice and some restrictions). Briefly summarize the content of each text and
give a short interpretive statement about the main point. Expected length:
4-5 lines of exam paper.
(這大題都是要到當天才知道考題,Study Guide內不會有)
Essay questions (75%). Choose three questions from the following. Expected
length: approximately one page of exam paper.
1. Provide an interpretation of Coleridge’s “Christabel” and
“Kubla Khan" as expressions of the gothic and the exotic. What attitudes
toward gender and race are encoded in the poems?
2. What are some characteristics of the “Byronic hero”? How is this
figure exhibited in Byron’s work? Refer to at least two poems.
3. Describe Shelley’s quest for transcendence and trace its manifestation
in at least two poems.
4. How does Keats define “Negative Capability” and how is it expressed in
his poetry? Give examples from at least two of the Odes.
5. Describe some of the characteristics of Romantic Orientalism. What
vision of the East does it represent, and how does it contribute to