考試日期(年月日)︰2015.11.09 ~ 2015.11.16
考試時限(分鐘):2015.11.09 公布考題, 2015.11.16 前繳交紙本或email到助教信箱
試題 :
Game Programing Midterm Exam
2015 Fall
Deadline: 11/16 (Mon.) 14:20
1. Please describe the characteristics of game control using keyboard in PC
2. Please describe the procedures and stages to develop a game and the output
after each stages.
3. Please answer the two types of game which are not suitable designed for
console games, and explain why?
4. Basically we can use FnObject::SetOpacity() to change the object's opacity
to achieve the object in semi-transparency. Please describe the processes
from Fly2 to make sure the semi-transparent object's rendering is normal.
5. Fly2 is using a root-base scheme for character skeleton. Please describe
what is the root-base system used in Fly2?
6. We need the system analysis procedure before developing a game. Please
(a) describe the reason why do we need it, and
(b) realize the system analysis for your final project by your own idea.
(do not identical with your teammates)
7. Consider the two rotations. One is rotate 90 degree around y-axis, and
another is rotate 90 degree around x-axis. Both rotations are
(a) Please construct two rotation matrices M_1 and M_2 for performing the
above rotations.
(b) Quaternion is useful to represent rotations. Please represent the above
two rotations as q_1 and q_2 by Quaternion.
(q_n = w_n + (x_n)i + (y_n)j + (z_n)k, please answer values of w_n,
x_n, y_n, and z_n.)
(c) We also can use quaternion to generate the rotation matrix. Please
derive M by quaternion q_1 and q_2 which M = M_1 M_2.
(You won't get any points by deriving M by multiplying M_1 and M_2 and
without computation process.)
8. Please explain the differences between continuous and discrete Level of
Details (LOD), and design an algorithm to achieve LOD.
9. As shown in the right figure, define four corner points y
(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), and (1, 1) on the xy-coordinate ↑(0, 1) (1, 1)
system, and the corresponding real values A, B, C, and ├─────┐
D at these points, respectively. Suppose that we │C D│
compute the interpolated value at a point (x, y) │ │
(where 0 < x,y < 1) by applying bilinear interpolation │ │
over the square region. Note that the bilinear │ │
interpolation is to compute an interpolated value by │A B│
applying linear interpolation along the xcoordinate └─────┴→x
axis first and then along the y-coordinate axis. O(0, 0) (1, 0)
(a) Let f(x, y) be the interpolated value at (x, y),
where 0 < x,y < 1. Express the value of f(x, y)
using x, y, A, B, C and D.
(b) Find A, B, C, and D if f(0, 0) = 0, f(3/4, 1/4) = 2, f(1/4, 3/4) = -1,
and f(3/4, 3/4) = 3.