試題 :
Introduction to Phonetics Fall 2015 December 9, 2015
Chapter Test on Ladefoged/Johnson, Chapter Three
I. Short answer questions: give short and precise answers to the following
items. (100%)
1. Describe the phonetic differences between the (oral) stops in: (4 x 6 = 24%)
a. pie b. buy c. a buy d. spy e. nap f. nab
2. Explain why it is incorrect to say that when /p/, /t/, /k/ occur immediately
after /s/, they are voiced, and sound like /b/, /d/, /g/. Mention English
phonotactic rules. How should the correct rule read? (10%)
3. Exploding all final stops in English is the mark of what? (4%)
4. Describe the difference between a "glottal stop" and a "tap" in articulatory
terms. (10%)
5. Give in IPA symbols two pairs of examples of homorganic sounds.
(3% + 3% = 6%)
6. a. Describe nasal plosion in English and under which circumstances it
appears. (8%)
b. Give two examples of English words exhibiting nasal plosion. (8%)
7. a. Describe lateral plosion and under which circumstances it appears. (8%)
b. Give two examples of English words which may (e.g. in standard British
English) be pronounced with lateral plosion. (8%)
8. a. What is a "secondary articulation"? (7%)
b. Give an example of an English consonant with a secondary articulation,
and describe both its primary and secondary articulations.
II. Dictation: Write down the words you hear, first in English orthography,
then in IPA symbols. (100%)
1. __________ [__________] 6. __________ [__________]
2. __________ [__________] 7. __________ [__________]
3. __________ [__________] 8. __________ [__________]
4. __________ [__________] 9. __________ [__________]
5. __________ [__________] 10.__________ [__________]
III. Online Voicing and Plosives Tutorials (100%)
1. Correctly label each waveform A., B., and C., with two of the following
terms: voiced, voiceless, periodic, aperiodic. (4 x 2 x 3 = 24%)
A. [圖片略] B. [圖片略] C. [圖片略]
__________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________
2. What causes regular, evenly spaced lines in a waveform? (4%)
3. What causes highly irregular lines in a waveform? (4%)
4. What are the three stages of an initial stop or plosive? (3 x 3 = 9%)
5. a. What is an active articulator? (5%)
b. What is a passive articulator? (5%)
6. Draw lines to match each of the following IPA symbols of plosives to its
place of articulation. (7 x 2 = 14%)
a. [b] dental
b. [q] alveolar
c. [k] palatal
d. [t] (向下延伸的t) bilabial
e. [t] uvular
f. [d] retroflex
g. [f] (上下顛倒的f,鉤朝左) velar
7. Draw a diagram illustrating the three basic VOT patterns of initial
plosives. (25%)
8. Explain the difference between initial b and p in French and English
spelling. (10%)